viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Zelaya

Efemérides 2016

Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales

Efemérides 2016 Octubre 2016 7 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2001. “A 15 años de la invasión de los Estados Unidos de América a Afganistán”. Por Renaud Iera Stephanie 9 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2006. “A diez años del primer ensayo nuclear realizado por corea del Norte”. Por Renaud Iera Stephanie 10 DE …

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The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part II: The Pitfalls of Constitutional Legitimism

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part II: The Pitfalls of Constitutional Legitimism In my previous post on this topic, I argued that the international reaction to the Honduran coup potentially augurs a shift in foundational norms governing the relationship between international and domestic legal authority.  I …

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The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International Legal Framework

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International Legal Framework Who is the current President of Honduras?  Far from the stuff of quiz shows, this question bears on the very foundations of international law.  The international reaction to …

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