Page | |
Avant-propos – Foreword | |
I. Affaire des propriétés religieuses. France, Royaume-Uni, Espagne contre Portugal. La Haye, 4 septembre 1920. | 7-57 |
II. German cession of vessels and tugs for Rhine navigation. France, Germany. Paris, January 8, 1921. | 59-81 |
III. German cession of vessels and tugs for Elbe navigation. Czechoslovakia, Germany. Paris, June 14, 1921. | 83-95 |
IV. Navigation on the Danube. Allied Powers (Czechoslovakia, Greece, Romania, Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom); Germany, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria. Paris, August 2, 1921. | 97-212 |
V. Affaire des réclamations françaises contre le Pérou. France contre Pérou. La Haye, 11 octobre 1920. | 215-221 |
VI. Affaire des frontières colombo-vénézuéliennes. Colombie contre Vénézuéla. Berne, 24 mars 1922. | 223-298 |
VII. Affaire de l’impôt sur les bénéfices de guerre. France contre Espagne. Genève, 15 juin 1922. | 301-305 |
VIII. Norwegian shipowners’ claims. Norway versus U.S.A. The Hague, October 13, 1922. | 307-346 |
IX. Landreau claim. USA versus Peru. London, October 26, 1922. | 347-367 |
X. Aguilar-Amory and Royal Bank of Canada claims. Great Britain versus Costa Rica. Washington, October 18, 1923. | 369-399 |
XI. Affaire relative à l’acquisition de la nationalité polonaise. Allemagne contre Pologne. Vienne, 10 juillet 1924. | 401-428 |
XII. Affaire des réparations allemandes selon l’article 260 du Traité de Versailles. Allemagne contre Commission des Réparations.Trondhjem, 3 septembre 1924. | 429-528 |
XIII. Affaire de la Dette publique ottomane. Bulgarie, Irak, Palestine, Transjordanie, Grèce, Italie et Turquie. Genève, 18 avril 1925. | 529-614 |
XIV. Affaire des biens britanniques au Maroc espagnol. Espagne contre Royaume-Uni. La Haye, 1er mai 1925. | 615-742 |
XV. German industrial charges law. Germany, Reparation Commission. Stockholm, December 28, 1925. | 745-752 |
XVI. Affaire relative à l’interprétation de l’article 11 du Protocole de Londres du 9 août 1924 (reparations allemandes). Allemagne contre Commissaire aux revenus gagés. La Haye, 23 juin 1926. | 755-774 |
XVII. The Deutsche Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft oil tankers. U.S.A., Reparation Commission. Paris,August 5, 1926. | 777-795 |
XVIII. Règlement des prestations effectuées dans la Ruhr et dans les têtes de pont de Dusseldorf et de Duisburg. Allemagne contre France. La Haye, 21 septembre 1927. | 797-819 |
XIX. Affaire de l’attaque de la caravane du maharao de Cutch. Royaume-Uni contre Éthiopie. Harrar, 7 octobre 1927. | 821-827 |
XX. Island of Palmas case. Netherlands, U.S.A. The Hague, April 4, 1928. | 829-871 |
XXI. a. Interpretation of London Agreement of August 9, 1924. Germany, Reparation Commission. The Hague, March 24, 1926. b. Idem. Award. No. II. The Hague, January 29, 1927. c. Idem. Award. No. III. The Hague, May 29, 1928 |
873-899 885-890885-890 |
XXII. Affaire Goldenberg. Allemagne contre Roumanie. Lausanne, 27 septembre 1928. | 901-910 |
XXIII. Walter Fletcher Smith Claim. Cuba, U.S.A. Washington, D.C., May 2 1929. | 913-918 |
XXIV. Tacna-Arica question. Chile, Peru. Washington, D.C., March 4, 1925. | 921-958 |
XXV. Affaire du chemin de fer de Sopron-Köszeg. Compagnie du chemin de fer vicinal de Sopron-Köszeg contre Autriche et Hongrie. Paris, 18 juin 1929. | 961-973 |
XXVI. Affaire Martini. Italie contre Venezuela. Genève, 3 mai 1930. | 975-1008 |
XXVII. a. Responsabilité de l’Allemagne à raison des dommages causés dans les colonies portugaises du sud de l’Afrique (sentence sur le principe de la responsabilité). Portugal contre Allemagne. Lausanne, 31 juillet 1928. | 1011-1033 |
XXVII. b. Responsibilité de l’Allemagne à raison des dommages causés dans les colonies portugaises du sud de l’Afrique (sentence sur le principe de la responsabilité). Portugal contre Allemagne. Lausanne, 30 juin 1930. | 1035-1077 |
XXVIII. Shufeldt claim. Guatemala, U.S.A. Belize, British Honduras, July 24, 1930. | 1079-1102 |
XXIX. Affaire de l’île de Clipperton. Mexique contre France. Rome, 28 janvier 1931. | 1105-1111 |
XXX. Affaire Chevreau. France contre Royaume-Uni. La Haye, 9 juin 1931. | 1113-1143 |
XXXI. Affaire Campbell. Royaume-Uni contre Portugal. Bruxelles, 10 juin 1931. | 1145-1158 |
XXXII. Salem Case. Egypt, U.S.A. Berlin, June 8, 1932. | 1161-1237 |
XXXIII. The “Kronprins Gustaf Adolf”. Sweden, U.S.A. Washington, D.C., July 18, 1932. | 1239-1305 |
XXXIV. Honduras borders. Guatemala, Honduras. Washington, D.C., January 23, 1933. | 1307-1366 |
XIV. Affaire des biens britanniques au Maroc espagnol. Espagne contre Royaume-Uni. La Haye, 1er mai 1925. | 615-742 |
XV. German industrial charges law. Germany, Reparation Commission. Stockholm, December 28, 1925. | 745-752 |
XVI. Affaire relative à l’interprétation de l’article 11 du Protocole de Londres du 9 août 1924 (reparations allemandes). Allemagne contre Commissaire aux revenus gagés. La Haye, 23 juin 1926. | 755-774 |
XVII. The Deutsche Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft oil tankers. U.S.A., Reparation Commission. Paris,August 5, 1926. | 777-795 |
XVIII. Règlement des prestations effectuées dans la Ruhr et dans les têtes de pont de Dusseldorf et de Duisburg. Allemagne contre France. La Haye, 21 septembre 1927. | 797-819 |
XIX. Affaire de l’attaque de la caravane du maharao de Cutch. Royaume-Uni contre Éthiopie. Harrar, 7 octobre 1927. | 821-827 |
XX. Island of Palmas case. Netherlands, U.S.A. The Hague, April 4, 1928. | 829-871 |
XXI. a. Interpretation of London Agreement of August 9, 1924. Germany, Reparation Commission. The Hague, March 24, 1926. b. Idem. Award. No. II. The Hague, January 29, 1927. c. Idem. Award. No. III. The Hague, May 29, 1928 |
873-899 885-890885-890 |
XXII. Affaire Goldenberg. Allemagne contre Roumanie. Lausanne, 27 septembre 1928. | 901-910 |
XXIII. Walter Fletcher Smith Claim. Cuba, U.S.A. Washington, D.C., May 2 1929. | 913-918 |
XXIV. Tacna-Arica question. Chile, Peru. Washington, D.C., March 4, 1925. | 921-958 |
XXV. Affaire du chemin de fer de Sopron-Köszeg. Compagnie du chemin de fer vicinal de Sopron-Köszeg contre Autriche et Hongrie. Paris, 18 juin 1929. | 961-973 |
XXVI. Affaire Martini. Italie contre Venezuela. Genève, 3 mai 1930. | 975-1008 |
XXVII. a. Responsabilité de l’Allemagne à raison des dommages causés dans les colonies portugaises du sud de l’Afrique (sentence sur le principe de la responsabilité). Portugal contre Allemagne. Lausanne, 31 juillet 1928. | 1011-1033 |
XXVII. b. Responsibilité de l’Allemagne à raison des dommages causés dans les colonies portugaises du sud de l’Afrique (sentence sur le principe de la responsabilité). Portugal contre Allemagne. Lausanne, 30 juin 1930. | 1035-1077 |
XXVIII. Shufeldt claim. Guatemala, U.S.A. Belize, British Honduras, July 24, 1930. | 1079-1102 |
XXIX. Affaire de l’île de Clipperton. Mexique contre France. Rome, 28 janvier 1931. | 1105-1111 |
XXX. Affaire Chevreau. France contre Royaume-Uni. La Haye, 9 juin 1931. | 1113-1143 |
XXXI. Affaire Campbell. Royaume-Uni contre Portugal. Bruxelles, 10 juin 1931. | 1145-1158 |
XXXII. Salem Case. Egypt, U.S.A. Berlin, June 8, 1932. | 1161-1237 |
XXXIII. The “Kronprins Gustaf Adolf”. Sweden, U.S.A. Washington, D.C., July 18, 1932. | 1239-1305 |
XXXIV. Honduras borders. Guatemala, Honduras. Washington, D.C., January 23, 1933. | 1307-1366 |
Arbitral Tribunal (Great Britain-United States) constituted under
the Special Agreement of August 18, 1910
Historical Note | 5 |
Bibliography | 7 |
Special Agreement: | |
Special Agreement for the submission to arbitration of pecuniary claims outstanding between the United States and Great Britain, concluded August 18, 1910 | 9-190 |
Arbitral Tribunal (Great Britain-United States) constituted under the Special Agreement of August 18, 1910 (18 June 1913 – 22 January 1926) | 17 |
Decisions: | |
Great Britain v U.S. (Yukon Lumber case) | 17-21 |
Owners of the Lindisfarne (Gr. Br.) v. U.S. | 21-24 |
William Hardman (Gr. Br. ) v. U.S. | 25- 26 |
The Glasgow King Shipping Company (Limited) (Gr. Br.) v. U.S. (King Robert case) | 27-29 |
Great Britain and Others (Gr. Br.) v. U.S. (Canadienne case) | 29-32 |
Henry James Bethune (Great Britain) v. United States (Lord Nelson case) | 32-35 |
Great Northwestern Telegraph Company of Canada (Great Britain). v. United States | 35-36 |
Sivewright, Bacon and Co. (Great Britain) v. United States (Eastry case) | 36-40 |
Representatives of Elizabeth Cadenhead (Great Britain) v. United States | 40-41 |
Owner of the Frederick Gerring, Jr. (United States) v. Great Britain | 41-42 |
Home Frontier and Foreign Missionary Society of the United Brethren in Christ (United States) v. Great Britain | 42-44 |
Owners of the Cargo of the Coquitlam (Great Britain) v. United States | 45-48 |
Owners of the Tattler (United States) v. Great Britain | 48-51 |
H.J.Randolph Hemming (Great Britain) v. United States | 51-53 |
Owners of the Sidra (Great Britain) v. United States | 53-57 |
Owners of the Jessie, the Thomas F. Bayard and the Pescawha (Great Britain) v. United States | 57-60 |
Owners of the Argonaut and the Colonel Jonas H. French (United States) v. Great Britain | 60-64 |
China Navigation Co., Ltd. (Great Britain) v. United States (Newchwang case) | 64-68 |
Owners, Officers and Men of the Wanderer (Gr.Br).v. United States | 68-77 |
Charterers and Crew of the Kate (Great Britain) v. United States | 77-82 |
Laughlin McLean (Great Britain) v. United States (Favourite case) | 82-85 |
Jesse Lewis (United States) v. Great Britain (David J. Adams case) | 85-93 |
George Rodney Burt (United States) v. Great Britain (Fijian Land Claims) | 93-99 |
Benson Robert Henry (United States) v. Great Britain (Fijian Land Claims) | 100-104 |
Heirs of John B. Williams (United States) v. Great Britain (Fijian Land Claims) | 104-109 |
Isaac M. Brower (United States) v. Great Britain (Fijian Land Claims) | 109-112 |
Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Ltd. (Great Britain) v. United States | 112-118 |
Cuba Submarine Telegraph Company, Ltd. (Great Britain) v. United States | 118-120 |
Robert E. Brown (United States) v. Great Britain | 120-131 |
Rio Grande Irrigation and Land Company, Ltd. (Great Britain) v. United States | 131-138 |
Union Bridge Company (United States) v. Great Britain | 138-142 |
Several Canadian Hay Importers (Great Britain) v. United States (Canadian Claims for Refund of Duties) | 142-147 |
Owner of the R. T. Roy (United States) v. Great Britain | 147-149 |
Adolph G. Studer (United States) v. Great Britain | 149-153 |
Owner of the Horace B. Parker (United States) v. Great Britain | 153-154 |
Owner of the Thomas F. Bayard (United States) v. Great Britain | 154-156 |
Owner of the Sarah B. Putnam (United States) v. Great Britain | 156-157 |
F. H. Redward and Others (Great Britain) v. United States (Hawaiian Claims) | 157-158 |
Several British Subjects (Great Britain) v. United States (Iloilo Claims) | 158-160 |
D. Earnshaw and Others (Great Britain) v. United States (Zafiro case) | 160-165 |
Luzon Sugar Refining Company, Ltd. (Great Britain) v. United States | 165 |
J. Parsons (Great Britain) v. United States | 165-166 |
Successors of William Webster (United States) v. Great Britain | 166-170 |
Cunningham and Thompson Company and Others (Great Britain) v. United States | 171-173 |
Cunningham and Thompson Company and Others (Great Britain) v. United States. | 171-173 |
Cayuga Indians (Great Britain) v. United States | 173-190 |
Tripartite Claims Commission (United States, Austria and Hungary) constituted under the Agreement of November 26, 1924 (12 April 1927- 28 June 1929)
Historical Note | 195 |
Bibliography | 197 |
Agreement: | |
Agreement between the United States and Austria and Hungary for the determination of the amounts to be paid by Austria and by Hungary in satisfaction of their obligations under the Treaties concluded by the United States with Austria on August 24, 1921, and with Hungary on August 29, 1921 | 199 |
Decisions: | |
Administrative Decision No. I | 203-212 |
Administrative Decision No. II | 212-230 |
Herbert Payne (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 230 |
Mrs. Julius Biro (United States) v. Hungary | 231 |
William Schneider and Joseph Bleier (United States) v. Hungary | 231-232 |
Kurt Heppe (United States) v. Hungary and Hungarian Commercial Bank of Pest | 232 |
Griff Glover (United States) v. Austria and Oesterreichischer-Lloyd | 233-234 |
Joseph Amschler (United States) v. Austria and Banca Commerciale Triestina | 234 |
Friederike Gottlieb (United States) v. Austria and Bohemian Savings Bank | 234-235 |
Alexander Karl Rudolph (United States) v. Austria | 235 |
Henry Neugass (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 235-240 |
Estate of Alexander Ortlieb (United States) v. Austria and Edward Coumont, Executor of Estate of Louis Ortlieb | 240 |
Estate of Alexander Ortlieb (United States) v. Austria and Edward Coumont, Executorof Estate of Louis Ortlieb | 240 |
Karl Klein (United States) v. Austria | 241-242 |
Anton Pentz (United States) v. Austria, Hungary, and Austro-Hungarian Bank | 242-244 |
Charles R. Crane (United States) v. Austria and City of Vienna | 244-246 |
Benjamin Albert Kapp (United States) v. Hungary | 246-248 |
Alexander Tellech (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 248-249 |
Max Fox (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 249-250 |
Grubnau Bros., Inc., and Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 250-251 |
Rosa H. Kohn (United States) v. Hungary | 251-252 |
Indian Motocycle Company (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 252-253 |
Henry Rothmann (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 253-259 |
Louis Zecchetto (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 259-260 |
Louis John Hois (United States) v. Austria and Wiener Bank-Verein | 260-266 |
The First National Bank of Boston (United States) v. Austria and Wiener Bank-Verein | 266-268 |
Mary Federer, Administratrix of the Estate of John J. Federer (United States) v. Austria and Wiener Bank-Verein | 268-272 |
George and Theresa Zohrer (United States) v. Austria and Postsparkassen-Amt in Wien | 272-273 |
Transatlantic Trust Company (United States) v. Austria and Postsparkassen-Amt in Wien | 274 |
Henry Howard Ellison, William Rodman Ellison, and Henry Howard Ellison, Jr., American Partners in the late Firm of John B. Ellison & Sons (United States) v. Austria and Leopold Kuranda | 274-275 |
Cyrus Wilfred Perkins (United States) v. Austria and Wien-Floridsdorfer Mineraloel Fabrik | 275-277 |
Hugo Dylla (United States) v. Austria; John Szanto and Szekely Varga Katalin Szanto v. Austria; Charles Gasper (United States) v. Austria | 277 |
Hugo Dylla (United States) v. Austria; John Szanto and Szekely Varga Katalin Szanto v. Austria; Charles Gasper (United States) v. Austria | 277 |
Harald Waldemar von Campen (United States) v. Austria | 277-278 |
Camilla Short (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 278-279 |
Jacob Margulies (United States) v. Austria and Hungary | 279-282 |
Emil Frenkel (United States) v. Austria | 282-285 |
Erna McArthur (United States) v. Austria | 285-286 |
Elizabeth Filo and Bertha Salay (United States) v. Hungary | 286-289 |
John Ujvari (United States) v. Hungary | 289-290 |
Adolfo Stahl (United States) v. Hungary | 290-292 |
General Claims Commission (United States and Panama) constituted under the Claims Convention of July 28, 1926, modified by the Convention of December 17, 1932 (22 May 1933-29 June 1933)
Historical Note | 297 |
Bibliography | 299 |
Conventions: | |
Claims Convention between the United States of America and Panama of July 28, 1926 | 301 |
Convention between the United States of America and Panama of December 17, 1932, modifying Claims Convention of July 28, 1926 | 305 |
Decisions: | |
Agnes Ewing Brown (United States) v. Panama | 307-308 |
Walter A. Noyes (United States) v. Panama | 308-312 |
Lettie Charlotte Denham and Frank Parlin Denham (United States) v. Panama | 312-313 |
Francisco and Gregorio Castañeda and José de Leon R. (Panama) v. U.S | 313-314 |
Juan Manzo (Panama) v. U.S | 314-315 |
James Perry (United States) v. Panama | 315-321 |
Gust Adams (United States) v. Panama | 321-324 |
Charlie R. Richeson, George Klimp, James Langdon, et al., and W. A. Day (United States) v. Panama | 325-328 |
Cecelia Dexter Baldwin, Administratrix of the Estate of Harry D. Baldwin, and Others (United States) v. Panama | 328-333 |
John W. Browne (United States) v. Panama | 333-334 |
Lettie Charlotte Denham and Frank Parlin Denham (United States) v. Panama | 334-337 |
Mariposa Development Company and Others (United States) v. Panama | 338-341 |
José Maríia Vásquez Díaz, Assignee of Pablo Elías Velásquez (Panama) v. U.S | 341-342 |
Guillermo Colunje (Panama) v. U.S | 342-344 |
Juan Añorbes (Panama) v. U.S | 344-345 |
José Azael Ruiz (Panama) v. U.S | 345-346 |
Caroline Fitzgerald Shearer, Administratrix of the Estate of George Fitzgerald (United States) v. Panama | 346-348 |
Caroline Fitzgerald Shearer, Administratrix of the Estate of George Fitzgerald (United States) v. Panama | 346-348 |
Hampden Osborne Banks, Hazel E. Hiltbold, Lewis Crandall Golder, and Richard Joseph Lee (United States) v. Panama | 349-352 |
William Gerald Chase (United States) v. Panama | 352-358 |
Marguerite de Joly de Sabla (United States) v. Panama | 358-370 |
Abraham Solomon (United States) v. Panama | 370-377 |
Panama and Abundio Caselli (Panama) v. U.S | 377-380 |
Panama and José C. Monteverde (Panama) v. U.S | 381-382 |
Compañia de Navegación Nacional (Panama) v. U.S | 382-386 |
Mixed Claims Commission (United States and Germany) (1 November 1923 – 30 October 1939)
Historical Note | 5 |
Bibliography | 7 |
Treaty of Peace between the United States and Germany, signed at Berlin, August 25, 1921 | 9 |
Special Agreement: | |
Agreement between the United States and Germany providing for the determination of the amount of the claims against Germany, signed August 10, 1922 | 13 |
Agreement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Germany, providing for extension for the jurisdiction of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, signed December 31, 1928 | 16 |
Decisions, Part One: | |
Administrative Decision No. I | 21-22 |
Administrative Decision No. II | 23-32 |
Opinion in the Lusitania Cases | 32-44 |
United States Steel Products Company (United States) v. Germany, Costa Rica Union Mining Company (United States) v. Germany, and South Porto Rico Sugar Company (United States) v. Germany (War-Risk Insurance Premium Claims) | 44-63 |
Administrative Decision No. III | 64-71 |
Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc. (United States) v. Germany (War-Risk Insurance Premium Claim) | 71-73 |
United States, Garland Steamship Corporation, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 73-91 |
Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company and Others (United States) v. Germany (Life-Insurance Claims) | 91-116 |
Administrative Decision No. IV | 117-119 |
Administrative Decision No. V | 119-155 |
Administrative Decision No. VI | 155-166 |
Maud Thompson de Gennes (United States) v. Germany | 166-170 |
Mary Barchard Williams (United States) v. Germany | 170-176 |
Edward A. Hilson (United States) v. Germany | 176-184 |
Christian Damson (United States) v. Germany | 184-199 |
Eisenbach Brothers and Company (United States) v. Germany | 199-203 |
Administrative Decision No. VII (The Vinland Case) | 203-252 |
Administrative Decision No. VIII (Claims of the Association of American Holders of Foreign Securities, Inc., and its Members) | 252-255 |
Henry W. Williamson and Others (United States) v. Germany, and Ellen Williamson Hodges, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles Francis Williamson, Deceased (United States) v. Germany | 256-257 |
Henry Groves and Joseph Groves (United States) v. Germany | 257-259 |
Hepzibah Vernon Butler (United States) v. Germany | 259-260 |
Charles H. Rosenthal, Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Retta C. Shields, Deceased (United States) v. Germany, and Edwin H. Shields and Albert Mills, Administrators de bonis non of the Estate of Victor E. Shields, Deceased (United States) v. Ger | 260-262 |
Thomas C. Miller and Others (United States) v. Germany | 262-263 |
Gladys Bilicke (United States) v. Germany, and Gladys Bilicke, Individually and as Guardian of the Estate of Carl Archibald Bilicke, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 263-265 |
Richard J. Hickson as Administrator cum testamento annexo of Catherine J. Hickson (United States) v. Germany, and Richard J. Hickson as Administrator cum testamento annexo of Caroline Hickson Kennedy (United States) v. Germany | 266-269 |
Daniel Frohman, Individually, as Administrator of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of Charles Frohman, Deceased, and as Administrator of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of Caryl Frohman, Deceased, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 269-271 |
Elbert Hubbard II, Individually and as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Elbert Hubbard, and Others (United States) v. Germany, and Elbert Hubbard II, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Alice Hubbard, and Miriam Hubbard Roelofs | 272-275 |
Charles Ambrose Plamondon, Jr., Sole Surviving Administrator of the Estate of Charles A. Plamondon, Deceased, and Individually and on behalf of Harold Mackin Plamondon and Others (United States) v. Germany; and two other cases | 275-278 |
James F. Bishop, Administrator of the Estate of William Mounsey, Deceased, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 278-280 |
Elizabeth Ann Harrison and Others (United States) v. Germany | 280-283 |
Margaret Emerson Baker and Others, and Reginald C. Vanderbilt and Others as Executors of the Estate of Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Deceased (United States) v. Germany | 283-284 |
Caroline M. Bridge and Edgar G. Barratt, Administrators of the Estate of Justus Miles Forman, et al. (United States) v. Germany | 284-286 |
Roger B. McMullen et al. (United States) v. Germany | 286-288 |
William Mackenzie, Individually and as Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Mackenzie, Deceased, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 288-292 |
Henry Cachard and H. Herman Harjes Executors of the Estate of Medora de Mores (United States) v. Germany | 292-294 |
Thomas H. Richards and Others (United States) v. Germany | 294-296 |
Alice E. and Berte Scholborg (United States) v. Germany | 296-297 |
George L. Hawley (United States) v. Germany | 297-298 |
William J. Quillin et al. (United States) v. Germany | 299-301 |
Standard Oil Company of New York (United States) v. Germany, Sun Oil Company (United States) v. Germany, and Pierce Oil Company (United States) v. Germany | 301-308 |
Winthrop C. Neilson (United States) v. Germany | 308-311 |
Arthur Sewall and Company et al. (United States) v. Germany | 311-318 |
West India Steamship Company (United States) v. Germany | 319-320 |
Housatonic Steamship Company, Inc. (United States) v. Germany | 320-323 |
Harby Steamship Company, Inc. (United States) v. Germany | 323-325 |
Universal Transportation Company (United States) v. Germany | 326-328 |
Robert E. O’Rourke, as Receiver of the Mississippi Valley, South American & Orient Steamship Company (United States) v. Germany | 328-330 |
Administrative Decision No. VII-A (Claims of American Charterers of Foreign Ships and American Owners of Ships Chartered to Aliens [Tanker cases]) | 330-338 |
Union Oil Company of California ( United States) v. Germany | 338-340 |
Munson Steamship Line (United States) v. Germany | 340-344 |
Gulf Export Company (United States) v. Germany | 345-348 |
Gans Steamship Line (United States) v. Germany | 348-350 |
American Union Line, Inc. (United States) v. Germany | 350-353 |
Gans Steamship Line (United States) v. Germany | 353-356 |
The Interocean Oil Company (United States) v. Germany | 356-357 |
Jeanette Selinger (United States) v. Germany | 358-359 |
The United States Asphalt Refining Company (United States) v. Germany | 359-360 |
Barber & Co., Inc. (United States) v. Germany | 361-362 |
M.A. Quina Export Company (United States) v. Germany | 363-368 |
Arthur Ellt Hungerford (United States) v. Germany | 368-371 |
Paula Mendel and Others (United States) v. Germany | 372-389 |
Turner C. Gillenwater (United States) v. Germany | 389-391 |
Decisions: | 1-468 |
Waterman A. Taft et al. (United States ) v. Germany | 3-6 |
Robert Davie Trudgtt (United States v. Germany | 6-17 |
Harriss, Irby & Vose (United States) v. Germany | 17-20 |
Walker, Armstrong & Company (United States) v. Germany | 20-21 |
Gans Steamship Line (United States) v. Germany | 21-24 |
S. Stanwood Menken, Administrator of the Estate of Alice E. Tesson, Deceased, and Others (United States) v. Germany, and Andrew C. McGowin, Administrator of the Estate of Frank B. Tesson, Deceased, and Others (United States) v. Germany | 24-26 |
American-Hawaiian Steamship Company (United States) v. Germany | 26-30 |
Timandra Shipping Company (United States) v. Germany | 30-31 |
Samuel Rosenfield and Bertha Rosenfield (United States) v. Germany | 31-32 |
Leslie H. Crabtree (United States) v. Germany | 32-35 |
F. E. Atteaux & Co., Inc. (United States) v. Germany | 35-37 |
Universal Steamship Company (United States) v. Germany | 37-41 |
Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) (United States) v. Germany | 41-42 |
Bank of New York and Trust Company, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Fritz Achelis (Deceased) (United States) v. Germany | 42-43 |
United States of America on its Own Behalf through the Alien Property Custodian v. Germany and Kalle & Co. Aktiengesellschaft, Impleaded | 43-45 |
Rosa Vollweiler (United States) v. Germany | 45-52 |
Rudolph W. Frank (United States) v. Germany | 52-54 |
James A. Beha, Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York, as Liquidator of Norske Lloyd Insurance Company, Limited, for American Policyholders (United States) v. Germany | 55-56 |
Edward Galvin, Representative and Agent of Policyholders Association (United States) v. Germany | 57 |
Knickerbocker Insurance Company of New York, Successor to Equitable Underwriters of New York (United States) v. Germany | 58-59 |
George Achelis, Julie Achelis Spies, John Achelis, Estate of Annie Achelis Vietor, Deceased, and Estate of Fritz Achelis, Deceased, Heirs and Legatees of the Estate of Thomas Achelis, Deceased (United States) v. Germany | 59-63 |
Emil F. Helpup (United States) v. Germany and Karl Helpup, Impleaded | 64 |
William J. Quillin et al. (United States) v. Germany | 65-66 |
Alexander Sprunt & Son (United States) v. Germany | 66-67 |
Philadelphia-Girard National Bank (United States) v. Germany | 67-69 |
Philadelphia-Girard National Bank (United States) v. Germany and Direktion der Disconto Gesellschaft, Impleaded | 69-75 |
Administrative Decision No. IX | 75-76 |
Elizabeth A. Achelis, Margaret Achelis Sansome, and Frederic G. Achelis (United States) v. Germany | 76-80 |
Electric Boat Company (United States) v. Germany | 80-83 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 84-101 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 101-103 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 104-127 |
Katharine M. Drier (United States) v. Germany | 127-158 |
Katharine M. Drier (United States) v. Germany | 158-160 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 160-190 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 190-211 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 211-222 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 222-225 |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Limited, and Various Underwriters (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 225-460 |
Agency of Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Ltd. (United States) v. Germany (Sabotage Cases) | 460-468 |
Appendices: | |
I. Rules of Procedure as adopted November 15, 1922, and amended from time to time, to December 31, 1932 | 469-511 |
II. Order of March 25, 1925 | 477 |
III. Order of May 7, 1925 | 481 |
IV. (A) Minutes of Meeting of Commission, October 31, 1933 |
483 |
(B) Excerpt from Minutes of Commission for Meeting held May 7, 1934 |
491 |
V. Copies of correspondence in March, and June, 1939, in relation to the retirement of the German Commissioner from the Commission, as set out at pages 1703-1713 of the Minutes of the Commission for the meeting held June 15, 1939; also copies of correspondence in October, 1939, between the German Embassy and the Department of State in relation to the work of the Commission, as set out at pages 1726-1751 of the Minutes of the Commission for the meeting held October 30, 1939 | 493 |