jueves, julio 25, 2024

Dossier 2018 – Semana 51

Semana 51 – 17 al 23 de diciembre de 2018

Nicaragua suspende temporalmente misiones de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Nicolas Boeglin
Nicaragua suspende temporalmente misiones de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Foto extraída de nota de prensa de Naciones Unidas titulada “Nicaragua must end ‘witch-hunt’ against dissenting voices – UN human rights experts”, del 9/08/2018 Mediante una nota diplomática enviada por Nicaragua al Secretario General de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) el pasado 19 de diciembre, Nicaragua ha decidido …
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Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law
Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never Editor’s note: Continuing a tradition started by Isabel Feichtner a few years ago, EJIL’s Review Editor, Christian J. Tams, invited members of the EJIL board to offer short reflections on their favourite books of the year 2018. In the following days we will present some selections here on EJIL:Talk! They comprise a wide range …
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Favourite Readings 2018: The Power of Words

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law
Favourite Readings 2018: The Power of Words Editor’s note: Continuing a tradition started by Isabel Feichtner a few years ago, EJIL’s Review Editor, Christian J. Tams, invited members of the EJIL board to offer short reflections on their favourite books of the year 2018. In the following days we will present some selections here on EJIL:Talk! They comprise a wide range of books, from …
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Decreto 52180/1934 – PODER EJECUTIVO – Prestando adhesión al Tratado de Renuncia a la Guerra – Pacto Briand-Kellog (27/08/1928)

PODER EJECUTIVO Decreto 52180/1934 Fecha de Publicación en B.O.: 14/03/1935 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y …