viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: White House

The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties


The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties by Kevin Jon Heller The US submission to the ASP has finally appeared. It is not very long — about 1.5 pages — but manages to pack in a good number of false claims and bizarre interpretations of the Rome …

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The Fire This Time?

Project Syndicate

The Fire This Time? Sep 15, 2017 With autumn almost here, the world can look forward to a bumper crop of large-scale crises. The international community now must confront a series of disasters that those paying attention predicted with remarkable accuracy. When James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time was first …

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The Important Role of International Law in Legal Challenges to Trump’s Anti-Refugee Order


The Important Role of International Law in Legal Challenges to Trump’s Anti-Refugee Order by Jonathan Hafetz [Jonathan Hafetz is Professor of Law at Seton Hall University School of Law.] President Trump’s recent executive order temporarily barring the entry of refugees and others has provoked widespread protests, inflicted unnecessary suffering, and …

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