viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: 2014


La administración Kirchner ha conseguido, en principio, demorar la toma de decisiones duras o traumáticas en materia económico-financiera hasta después de las elecciones del 27.10 pero es muy difícil que pueda mantener tal comportamiento después de esa fecha. Los resultados gubernamentales desfavorables de las PASO (que sirvieron como sondeo pre-electoral …

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Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) – S/RES/2118

Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) The full text of Security Council resolution 2118 (2013) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Recalling the Statements of its President of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012, 5 April 2012, and its resolutions 1540 (2004), …

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Resolución 2118 Consejo de Seguridad – S/RES/2118 – Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013)

Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) The full text of Security Council resolution 2118 (2013) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Recalling the Statements of its President of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012, 5 April 2012, and its resolutions 1540 (2004), …

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FRAMEWORK FOR ELIMINATION OF SYRIAN CHEMICAL WEAPONS (United States and the Russian Federation – September 14,2013)

FRAMEWORK FOR ELIMINATION OF SYRIAN CHEMICAL WEAPONS Taking into account the decision of the Syrian Arab Republic to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the commitment of the Syrian authorities to provisionally apply the Convention prior to its entry into force, the United States and the Russian Federation express …

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La Argentina asume la Presidencia del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU

La Argentina asume la Presidencia del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU Jueves 01 de Agosto de 2013. Información para la Prensa N°: 189/13. Hoy la Argentina asume por un mes la Presidencia del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. Este importante rol lo ejercerá en su calidad de …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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Boyle and Crawford on Scottish Independence

Boyle and Crawford on Scottish Independence Last month, Joseph Weiler’s post on Catalonian independence and the European Union triggered a lively discussion here on EJIL!Talk (including Nico Krisch’s reply). Yesterday’s publication by the British government of a legal opinion by Alan Boyle of the University of Edinburgh and James Crawford of the …

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Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary

Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary Jacques Hartmann is Lecturer in Law, Dundee Law School, Scotland. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. The solid black line is the boundary agreed in the 1973 treaty. The broken black line is the boundary agreed ad referendum. The …

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