jueves, febrero 13, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: usa

Alfabetos internacionales

Los alfabetos internacionales han sido creados para diversos propósitos, desde la comunicación marítima hasta la transmisión telegráfica y fonética. Aquí hay un vistazo a algunos de ellos: Alfabeto de banderas marítimas: Utilizado en el Código Internacional de Señales Marítimas, cada letra del alfabeto tiene una bandera específica asociada. Estas banderas …

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Constitution-Making under UN Auspices

Constitution-Making under UN Auspices

Constitution-Making under UN Auspices Fostering Dependency in Sovereign Lands Author Vijayashri Sripati ISBN: 9780199498024 (Hardcover)Publicado: 01 February 2020Páginas: 320 This book raises very interesting and important questions about the legitimacy of the contemporary use of United Nations Constitutional Assistance (UNCA) (1989-2018) which birthed in 1949, as trusteeship and was, for …

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International Relations of the Asia-Pacific – Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2020

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific - Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2020

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2020 ISSN: 1470-482X, EISSN: 1470-4838 @OxfordJournals @OUPAcademic International Relations of the Asia-Pacific is a major international journal publishing the best original research in the field. The journal, launched in 2001, is published three times a year in January, May and …

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International Relations of the Asia-Pacific – Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2019

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific - Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2019

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2019 ISSN: 1470-482X, EISSN: 1470-4838 @OxfordJournals @OUPAcademic International Relations of the Asia-Pacific is a major international journal publishing the best original research in the field. The journal, launched in 2001, is published three times a year in January, May and …

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International Relations of the Asia-Pacific – Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2019

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific is a major international journal publishing the best original research in the field. The journal, launched in 2001, is published three times a year in January, May and September. Papers are welcomed from all international relations scholars, both within and without the Asia-Pacific region.The aims of International Relations of the Asia-Pacific are twofold: to bring outstanding general scholarship in international relations to readers in the Asia-Pacific; and to provide a dedicated outlet for scholars working on the international relations of the region. The circulation of the journal includes all the members of the Japan Association of International Relations, thereby guaranteeing substantial readership within the region.International Relations of the Asia-Pacific focusses on: the relations between the countries within the Asia-Pacific region; the relations between the Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world; and general issues and theories of international relations that have a bearing on one or more countries of the Asia-Pacific. The journal is open to all methodological approaches and schools of thought. Among the topics that fall within the journal’s focus are, for example:• the ‘Asian values’ debate • Indonesian foreign policy after Suharto • the political economy of investment in the Asia-Pacific • Japan’s ‘special relationships’ with the UK and the USA • Association of South-East Asian nations and the China– Japan–US triangle • the rise of regionalism in the Asia-Pacific • the role of international institutions • humanitarian intervention in Cambodia and East Timor • reconciliation on the Korean peninsula • the Theatre Missile Defence initiative and regional responses • the metamorphosis of state sovereignty: Asia-Pacific examples • the Asian financial crisis and the International Monetary Fund

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Culmina el periodo 72º de sesiones de la Asamblea General con récord de participación

ONU/Manuel Elias Miroslav Lajčák entrega el martillo de presidente de la Asamblea General a su sucesora Maria Fernanda Espinosa.

Culmina el periodo 72º de sesiones de la Asamblea General con récord de participación 17 Septiembre 2018 ONU y Secretario General Dejando récord de participación en el debate de alto nivel y la adopción de una serie de reformas a las Naciones Unidas, el eslovaco Miroslav Lajčák entregó el martillo …

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EJIL Vol. 29 (2018) No. 2: In This Issue

European Journal of International Law - EJIL

EJIL Vol. 29 (2018) No. 2: In This Issue Here is the Table of Contents for this new issue: Editorial Black Lies, White Lies and Some Uncomfortable Truths in and of the International Trading System; Authors of EJIL – Customer Care; In this Issue  Articles Devika Hovell, The Authority of …

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Irán demanda a Estados Unidos ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) por sanciones comerciales del 8 de mayo

Nicolas Boeglin

Irán demanda a Estados Unidos ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) por sanciones comerciales del 8 de mayo Irán demanda a Estados Unidos ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) por sanciones comerciales del 8 de mayo Este 17 de julio, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) anunció que …

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International Law and the Use of Force

International Law and the Use of Force - Christine Gray

International Law and the Use of Force Author: Christine Gray ISBN: 9780198808428 Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 15 April 2018 Price: $45.00 International Law and the Use of Force Fourth Edition Christine Gray Foundations of Public International Law A brand new edition of this leading title on the use of force …

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Call for Submissions / Nominations: The Francis Lieber Prize


Call for Submissions / Nominations: The Francis Lieber Prize by Chris Borgen The American Society of International Law’s Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict awards the Francis Lieber Prize to the authors of publications that the judges consider to be outstanding in the field of law and armed …

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Beca Rómulo Gallegos 2018

Beca Rómulo Gallegos 2018

Beca Rómulo Gallegos 2018 1 de septiembre de 2017 1) Lugar de la Beca: Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (SE/CIDH) de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA). Dirección: 1889 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, Estados Unidos de América 2) Modalidad: Presencial 3) Plazo para la presentación de candidaturas: 30 …

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Port State Jurisdiction Beyond Oceans Governance: The Closure of Ports to Qatar in the 2017 ‘Gulf Crisis’

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Port State Jurisdiction Beyond Oceans Governance: The Closure of Ports to Qatar in the 2017 ‘Gulf Crisis’ 5 June 2017 witnessed numerous states severing diplomatic ties with Qatar, including Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (see also part 2, part 3) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). These were later joined by …

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