domingo, octubre 27, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: law immunities

Is Sudanese President Bashir Immune from Arrest?

Is Sudanese President Bashir Immune from Arrest? In a post last week, I mentioned a forthcoming article of mine dealing with Bashir’s Immunity. That article titled “The Legal Nature of Security Council Referrals to the ICC and its Impact on Al’Bashir’s Immunities” has now been published in the latest issue of the …

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ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Bashir, but Rejects the Genocide Charge

ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Bashir, but Rejects the Genocide Charge (Updated) Today the International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant for Omar al Bashir, the serving President of Sudan, for crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. (The decision is now available here). The news were expected after …

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Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals

Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals Earlier this week, the Trial Chamber at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) hearing the case against Radovan Karadzic issued a decision in which it stated that “According to customary international law, there are some acts for which immunity from prosecution cannot be …

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