sábado, octubre 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Hungarian Government

Statutes of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary Moscow, January 20, 1945

Statutes of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary Moscow, January 20, 1945 1. The functions of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary shall consist of the regulation and control, for the period up to the conclusion of peace, over the exact fulfillment of the armistice terms set forth in the …

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Statutes of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary Moscow, January 20, 1945

Statutes of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary   Moscow, January 20, 1945 1.    The functions of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary shall consist of the regulation and control, for the period up to the conclusion of peace, over the exact fulfillment of the armistice terms set forth in …

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Tratado de Trianon (1920)

Acuerdo impuesto a Hungría el 4 de junio de 1920 por las fuerzas aliadas vencedoras en la I Guerra Mundial en el que se dictaminó la entrega de Eslovaquia y Rutenia a Checoslovaquia, Transilvania y el Banato Oriental a Rumanía, y Croacia y el Banato Occidental o Voivodina a Yugoslavia. …

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