jueves, octubre 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Arbitral Commission

Sense and Nonsense of Territorial Referendums in Ukraine, and Why the 16 March Referendum in Crimea Does Not Justify Crimea’s Alteration of Territorial Status under International Law

Sense and Nonsense of Territorial Referendums in Ukraine, and Why the 16 March Referendum in Crimea Does Not Justify Crimea’s Alteration of Territorial Status under International Law Yesterday, on 15 April 2014, Ukrainian interim president Turtschinov considered to hold, simultaneously with the presidential elections, a referendum on regional competences in …

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The Treaty of Sèvres, 1920 (The Treaty Of Peace Between The Allied And Associated Powers And Turkey Signed At Sèvres August 10, 1920)

THE BRITISH EMPIRE, FRANCE, ITALY AND JAPAN, These Powers being described in the present Treaty as the Principal Allied Powers; ARMENIA, BELGIUM, GREECE, THE HEDJAZ, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROUMANIA, THE SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE STATE AND CZECHO-SLOVAKIA, These Powers constituting, with the Principal Powers mentioned above, the Allied Powers, of the one part; AND …

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Convention on the Settlement of Matters Arising Out of the War and the Occupation (Bonn, 26 May 1952)

The United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany agree as follows: CHAPTER ONE.-GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1 The Federal and Land authorities shall have the power, in accordance with their respective competences under the Basic Law …

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