jueves, julio 25, 2024

Thoughts on the Human Rights Council’s 10th Session

Thoughts on the Human Rights Council’s 10th Session

The UN Human Rights Council’s 10th Regular Session is currently coming to a close. As usual, the various reports available make for fascinating and frustrating reading, not least because of the design of the OCHR’s website, which could charitably be described as eccentric. The major point of interest was the report of Richard Falk, the Special […]b.gif?host=internationallawobserver

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Decreto 52180/1934 – PODER EJECUTIVO – Prestando adhesión al Tratado de Renuncia a la Guerra – Pacto Briand-Kellog (27/08/1928)

PODER EJECUTIVO Decreto 52180/1934 Fecha de Publicación en B.O.: 14/03/1935 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y …