jueves, julio 25, 2024

The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country

The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country

In another worrying judgment generated by the Israeli HCJ, the Court upholds that the occupying power can restrict the basic human right to leave one’s country and the freedom of movement (Article 12 of the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, inter alia) of the occupied population by obliging persons seeking to leave their […]

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Decreto 52180/1934 – PODER EJECUTIVO – Prestando adhesión al Tratado de Renuncia a la Guerra – Pacto Briand-Kellog (27/08/1928)

PODER EJECUTIVO Decreto 52180/1934 Fecha de Publicación en B.O.: 14/03/1935 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y …