jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Supreme Court

International Labour Law Reports Online – Volume 38 (2020): Issue 1 (Nov 2020)

International Labour Law Reports Online

International Labour Law Reports Online Volume 38 (2020): Issue 1 (Nov 2020) eISSN: 2211-6028 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The International Labour Law Reports is a series of annual publications of labour law judgements by the highest courts in a number of jurisdictions. I.L.L.R. is intended primarily for the use of judges, labour …

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Dossier 2018 – Semana 31


Semana 31 – 30 de julio al 5 de agosto de 2018 Israel intercepta un segundo barco de la flotilla con ayuda humanitaria a Gaza Israel intercepta un segundo barco de la flotilla con ayuda humanitaria a Gaza La Marina de Guerra israelí ha interceptado en la madrugada de este …

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Supreme Court of Spain: UN Treaty Body individual decisions are legally binding

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Supreme Court of Spain: UN Treaty Body individual decisions are legally binding The Spanish Supreme Court has established that the views expressed by UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies in individual complaints are binding on the State. The Court ordered Spain to pay €600,000 in compensation to Ángela González for the …

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International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence


International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence by Julian Ku International law is famously mushy and subject to a variety of interpretations.  But there are some issues upon which there is more consensus under international law, such as the illegality of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.  But is …

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Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean Lord Advocate v. Zain Taj Dean [2017] UKSC 44 concerned an extradition request, made by the Republic of China in Taiwan (‘ROC’). Dean, a British national, had lived in Taiwan for many years. In 2011, he was convicted …

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The Status of Treaties in Domestic Law


The Status of Treaties in Domestic Law by David Stewart by David Stewart [David P. Stewart is Professor from Practice at Georgetown University Law Center.This is the third post in our symposium this week on treaty supremacy.] How are we to explain the yawning gap between the Founding Fathers’ clearly “monist” …

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Treaties in Constitutional Time


Treaties in Constitutional Time by John Parry [John Parry is the Associate Dean of Faculty and Edward Brunet Professor of Law at the Lewis & Clark Law School. This is the fourth post in our symposium this week on treaty supremacy.] David Sloss’s fantastic new book restores order and sanity to …

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Democratic Statehood in International Law

Democratic Statehood in International Law In the book Democratic Statehood in International Law, I develop an argument that state creation is a political process of overcoming a competing claim to territorial integrity. The emergence of a new state is not an automatic or factual occurrence upon meeting the statehood criteria. …

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Human Right Watch, capítulo Argentina del World Report 2012

Human Right Watch, capítulo Argentina del World Report 2012 Argentina Argentina continues to make significant progress prosecuting military and police personnel for enforced disappearances, killings, and torture during the country’s “dirty war” between 1976 and 1983, although trials have been subject to delays. Argentina adopted comprehensive legislation to regulate broadcast …

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The Antelope – U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court The Antelope, 23 U.S. 10 Wheat. 66 66 (1825) The Antelope 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 66 APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GEORGIA Syllabus The African slave trade is contrary to the law of nature, but is not prohibited by the positive law of nations. Although the …

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Amerada Hess Shipping Corporation v. Argentine Republic

Supreme Court of the United States ARGENTINE REPUBLIC v. AMERADA HESS SHIPPING CORP. ET AL. 488 U.S. 428 CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT Argued December 6, 1988 – Decided January 23, 1989 A crude oil tanker owned by respondent United Carriers, Inc., a …

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Case of Genie-Lacayo v. Nicaragua – Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Case of Genie-Lacayo v. Nicaragua Judgment of January 29, 1997 (Merits, Reparations and Costs) In the Genie Lacayo Case, The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, composed of the following judges: Héctor Fix-Zamudio, President Hernán Salgado-Pesantes, Vice President Rafael Nieto-Navia, Judge Alejandro Montiel-Argüello, Judge Máximo Pacheco-Gómez, …

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