viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: International Court

International Law Relating to Islands

International Law Relating to Islands - Sean D. Murphy

International Law Relating to Islands Sean D. Murphy This monograph considers the application of general rules of international law to islands, as well as special rules focused on islands, notably Article 121 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such rules have been applied in several landmark …

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Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession?


Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession? by Milena Sterio [Milena Sterio is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Enrichment at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.] On September 25, 2017, Kurds voted in a self-declared independence referendum organized by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). , …

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New EJIL:Live! Interview with Niels Petersen on his Article “The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Politics of Identifying Customary International Law”

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

New EJIL:Live! Interview with Niels Petersen on his Article “The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Politics of Identifying Customary International Law” In this latest episode of EJIL: Live! the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Professor Joseph Weiler, speaks with Professor Niels Petersen of the University of Münster, whose article, “The …

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Decolonizing Western Sahara

Project Syndicate

Decolonizing Western Sahara Emhamed Khadad Emhamed Khadad, an adviser to the president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, is the Polisario Front’s coordinator with the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. AUG 15, 2017 BIR LEHLU, WESTERN SAHARA – When Western Sahara was annexed by Morocco in 1975, …

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Applications for Revision of the International Court of Justice Judgments: The Curious “Case” for Revision of the Bosnian Genocide Judgment

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Applications for Revision of the International Court of Justice Judgments: The Curious “Case” for Revision of the Bosnian Genocide Judgment Last Thursday, the President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) made a statement announcing that the Court was “not properly” seised of a request for revision of the Court’s …

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Caricom llevará a la Corte Internacional de Justicia el reclamo por reparaciones de esclavitud

Caricom llevará a la Corte Internacional de Justicia el reclamo por reparaciones de esclavitud

Caricom llevará a la Corte Internacional de Justicia el reclamo por reparaciones de esclavitud Caricom prepared to take Britain to court over reparations Caricom is prepared to take legal action against Britain for reparations for slavery. Last week, Chairman of the Caricom Sub-Committee on Reparations, Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart …

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The 100th Anniversary of the Peace Palace

The 100th Anniversary of the Peace Palace Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Peace Palace, which houses the International Court of Justice in the Hague. The Peace Palace also houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), the Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library. The idea …

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Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan) – Order – Declaration of Intervention by New Zealand

Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan) – Order – Declaration of Intervention by New Zealand – Declaration of Intervention by New Zealand (54 Kb) Read more …           [via International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands]

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Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary

Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary Jacques Hartmann is Lecturer in Law, Dundee Law School, Scotland. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. The solid black line is the boundary agreed in the 1973 treaty. The broken black line is the boundary agreed ad referendum. The …

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Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary

Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary Jacques Hartmann is Lecturer in Law, Dundee Law School, Scotland. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. The solid black line is the boundary agreed in the 1973 treaty. The broken black line is the boundary agreed ad referendum. The …

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Peter Tomka Elected President of the ICJ

Peter Tomka Elected President of the ICJ The judges of the International Court of Justice today elected Judge Peter Tomka as President of the ICJ, and Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor as Vice-President. Two newly elected judges – Giorgio Gaja and Julia Sebutinde – today took up their seats, with the terms …

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Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice

Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice Yesterday the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council elected Julia Sebutinde to be a Judge at the International Court of Justice (see UN press release). Readers may recall from an earlier post that the Security Council and General Assembly …

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