jueves, octubre 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Democratic Republic of Congo

Research Handbook on Child Soldiers

Research Handbook on Child Soldiers

Research Handbook on Child Soldiers Research Handbooks in International Law series Edited by Mark A. Drumbl, Class of 1975 Alumni Professor of Law and Director, Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University, US and Jastine C. Barrett, Independent Human Rights Consultant and Honorary Researcher, Kent Law School, University of Kent, …

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Reopening Proceedings for Reparations and Abuse of Process at the International Court of Justice

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Reopening Proceedings for Reparations and Abuse of Process at the International Court of Justice On 28 July 2017, Nicaragua made the rather surprising announcement that it would revive its claim for US$17 billion in compensation against the United States. To recall, in its 1986 Merits Judgment in Nicaragua v. United …

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The African Union’s Collective Withdrawal from the ICC: Does Bad Law make for Good Politics?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The African Union’s Collective Withdrawal from the ICC: Does Bad Law make for Good Politics? A number of news outlets reported last week that the African Union (AU) had adopted a strategy for collective withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC) (see here, here and here). This follows withdrawals by …

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Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC

Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC Comoros has referred the action of Israeli troops in boarding the flotilla headed to Gaza on 31 May 2010 to the International Criminal Court. The ICC Prosecutor has announced that she is …

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Award of Compensation by International Tribunals in Inter-State Cases: ICJ Decision in the Diallo Case

Award of Compensation by International Tribunals in Inter-State Cases: ICJ Decision in the Diallo Case This week, the International Court of Justice decided that the Democratic Republic of Congo is obliged to pay $95,000 to the Republic of Guinea for material and non-material injury arising out of the DRC’s violations …

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Award of Compensation by International Tribunals in Inter-State Cases: ICJ Decision in the Diallo Case

Award of Compensation by International Tribunals in Inter-State Cases: ICJ Decision in the Diallo Case This week, the International Court of Justice decided that the Democratic Republic of Congo is obliged to pay $95,000 to the Republic of Guinea for material and non-material injury arising out of the DRC’s violations …

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Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International?

Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International? From time to time we have had discussions on this blog about the classification of extraterritorial or transnational conflicts between States and non-State groups. In other words, when States use force abroad against non-State groups, does this lead to an armed conflict …

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The African Union takes on the ICC Again: Are African States Really Turning from the ICC?

The African Union takes on the ICC Again: Are African States Really Turning from the ICC? In the latest summit meeting of the African Union (AU) held in Malabo, Equitorial Guinea, the AU Assembly of Heads of States and Governments has reiterated its opposition to a number of prosecutions at the …

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With Independence Less than a Day Away, Security Council Authorizes United Nations Mission in Republic of South Sudan – United Nations Department of Public Information

Security Council 6576th Meeting (AM) With Independence Less than a Day Away, Security Council Authorizes United Nations Mission in Republic of South Sudan Acting on the day before the birth of the independent Republic of South Sudan, and reaffirming its strong commitment to its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national …

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Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Co-operation

PREAMBLE We, the Heads of State or Government of: The Republic of Angola The Republic of Botswana The Democratic Republic of Congo The Kingdom of Lesotho The Republic of Malawi The Republic of Mauritius The Republic of Mozambique The Republic of Namibia The Republic of Seychelles The Republic of South …

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U.N. Poverty Goals Face Accountability Questions

U.N. Poverty Goals Face Accountability Questions There is little disagreement over the United Nations goal of eliminating dire poverty, but there is plenty of criticism about how leaders are going about it. UNITED NATIONS — For all the bitter debates pitting nations against one another, there is conspicuously little disagreement …

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