domingo, febrero 9, 2025

New Issue of EJIL [Vol 20 (3)] out

New Issue of EJIL [Vol 20 (3)] out

The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law has been published and is available here and here. This is Issue 3 of Volume 20. Readers will remember that the current volume of EJIL celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Journal. In each issue of this volume, there is an anniversary article as well as a symposium which focusses on themes or issues where there has been significant change in international law over the past twenty years. In this issue the Anniversary article is by Anne Peters, Professor of Public International and Constitutional Law at the University of Basel and is titled “Humanity as the Alpha and Omega of Sovereignty”. The Symposium is on Globalization. In addition to these features, and others, this issue also contains two EJIL:Debates – one on the Kadi case and the other on “Soft Law”. The editorial by Professor Joseph Weiler (see here) elaborates on the pieces contained in this issue of EJIL.

The full table of contents is as follows:


JHHW, Editorial

Special Anniversary Article

Anne Peters, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty

Emily Kidd White, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty: Four Replies to Anne Peters

Catherine E. Sweetser, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty: Four Replies to Anne Peter

Emma Dunlop, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty: Four Replies to Anne Peters

Amrita Kapur, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty: Four Replies to Anne Peters

Anne Peters, Humanity as the A and {Omega} of Sovereignty: A Rejoinder to Emily Kidd White, Catherine E. Sweetser, Emma Dunlop and Amrita Kapur

Symposium : Issues of Globalization

Andrew Lang, Joanne Scott, The Hidden World of WTO Governance

Isabel Feichtner, The Waiver Power of the WTO: Opening the WTO for Political Debate on the Reconciliation of Competing Interests

Veerle Heyvaert, Levelling Down, Levelling Up, and Governing Across: Three Responses to Hybridization in International Law

Sungjoon Cho, Of the World Trade Court’s Burden

Francesco Francioni, Access to Justice, Denial of Justice and International Investment Law

Jürgen Kurtz, The Use and Abuse of WTO Law in Investor-State Arbitration: Competition and its Discontents

Valentina S. Vadi, Trade Mark Protection, Public Health and International Investment Law: Strains and Paradoxes


Basak Çali, On Interpretivism and International Law

Critical Review of International Governance: An Occasional Series

Francis Maupain, New Foundation or New Facade? The ILO and the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization

EJIL : Debate! Kadi

Gráinne de Búrca, The European Courts and the Security Council: Between Dedoublement Fonctionnel and Balancing of Values: Three Replies to Pasquale De Sena and Maria Chiara Vitucci

André Nollkaemper, The European Courts and the Security Council: Between Dedoublement Fonctionnel and Balancing of Values: Three Replies to Pasquale De Sena and Maria Chiara Vitucci  

Iris Canor, The European Courts and the Security Council: Between Dedoublement Fonctionnel and Balancing of Values: Three Replies to Pasquale De Sena and Maria Chiara Vitucci

Pasquale De Sena, Maria Chiara Vitucci, The European Courts and the Security Council: Between Dedoublement Fonctionnel and Balancing of Values: A Rejoinder to Grainne de Burca, Andre Nollkaemper and Iris Canor

EJIL : Debate! Soft Law

Anthony D’Amato, Softness in International Law: A Self-Serving Quest for New Legal Materials: A Reply to Jean d’Aspremont

Jean d’Aspremont, Softness in International Law: A Self-Serving Quest for New Legal Materials: A Rejoinder to Tony D’Amato  

Book Reviews


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