viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Sierra Leone

International Journal of Transitional Justice – Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2019

International Journal of Transitional Justice - Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2019

International Journal of Transitional Justice Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2019 Online ISSN: 1752-7724, Print ISSN: 1752-7716 @OUPLaw @OUPLaw In the past two decades, countries emerging from divided histories have increasingly incorporated transitional justice mechanisms in order to uncover and deal with crimes of the past. Transitional justice has fast …

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Research Handbook on Child Soldiers

Research Handbook on Child Soldiers

Research Handbook on Child Soldiers Research Handbooks in International Law series Edited by Mark A. Drumbl, Class of 1975 Alumni Professor of Law and Director, Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University, US and Jastine C. Barrett, Independent Human Rights Consultant and Honorary Researcher, Kent Law School, University of Kent, …

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Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never Editor’s note: Continuing a tradition started by Isabel Feichtner a few years ago, EJIL’s Review Editor, Christian J. Tams, invited members of the EJIL board to offer short reflections on their favourite books of the year 2018. In the following days we will …

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The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties


The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties by Kevin Jon Heller The US submission to the ASP has finally appeared. It is not very long — about 1.5 pages — but manages to pack in a good number of false claims and bizarre interpretations of the Rome …

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Forcible Humanitarian Action in International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Forcible Humanitarian Action in International Law There is a widespread myth amongst international lawyers. This is the apparently unshakeable proposition that forcible humanitarian action is clearly unlawful. Any changes to that proposition would be impossible, given: The preponderance of the doctrine of sovereignty over countervailing considerations, such as human rights; …

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Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice

Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice Yesterday the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council elected Julia Sebutinde to be a Judge at the International Court of Justice (see UN press release). Readers may recall from an earlier post that the Security Council and General Assembly …

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General Assembly and Security Council Elect Four Judges to the ICJ But Fail to Agree On Fifth Judge. What Happens Next?

General Assembly and Security Council Elect Four Judges to the ICJ But Fail to Agree On Fifth Judge. What Happens Next? Last week the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council conducted  elections to elect judges to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) (see UN Press Releases here and here). Under …

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Duality of government in Côte d’Ivoire

Duality of government in Côte d’Ivoire  Dr. Jean d’Aspremont is Associate Professor of International Law and Senior Research Fellow of the Amsterdam Center for International Law at the University of Amsterdam. He is  also Guest Professor of International Humanitarian Law at the University of Louvain in Belgium and Senior Editor …

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Yamoussoukro IV Accord (Libya)

Final Communiqué of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States on the Liberian crisis, held in Yamoussoukro on 29 and 30 October 1991 1. The Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Liberia held its …

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Statute of the Sierra Leone Special Court

STATUTE OF THE SPECIAL COURT FOR SIERRA LEONE Having been established by an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone pursuant to Security Council resolution 1315 (2000) of 14 August 2000, the Special Court for Sierra Leone (hereinafter “the Special Court”) shall function in accordance with …

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Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican

Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican The Pope will begin a State visit to the UK on Thursday Sept 16. In anticipation of this event, some are using the occasion to highlight the tragedy concerning the sexual abuse of children by catholic priests around the world and the failure of …

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