jueves, febrero 13, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: rights law

International Law

International Law

International Law Second Edition Anders Henriksen ISBN: 9780198828723 (Hardcover)Publicado: 16 July 2019Páginas: 384 International Law provides a fresh, student-focused approach and European perspective on the central issues in public international law.Providing ideal coverage for short foundational courses, this engaging textbook introduces all the essential topics in a concise and manageable …

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The Idea of International Human Rights Law


International human rights law has emerged as an academic subject in its own right, separate from, but still related to international law. This book explains the distinctive nature of this discipline by examining the influence of the idea of human rights on general international law. Rather than make use of a particular moral philosophy or political theory, it explains 'human rights' by examining the way the term is deployed in legal practice, on the understanding that words are given meaning through their use. Relying on complexity theory to make sense of the legal practice of the United Nations, the core human rights treaties, and customary international law, the work demonstrates the emergence of the moral concept of human rights as a fact of the social world. It reveals the dynamic nature of this concept, and the influence of the idea on the legal practice, a fact that explains the fragmentation of international law and special nature of international human rights law.

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Gallant on Legality and the Rome Statute

Gallant on Legality and the Rome Statute To my shame, I’ve only just noticed that Ken Gallant in his excellent book The Principle of Legality in International and Comparative Criminal Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) – recently reviewed in the JICJ here – addresses the difficult problem of applying …

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Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident

Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident July 2011 Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Chair President Alvaro Uribe, Vice-Chair Mr. Joseph Ciechanover Itzhar Mr. Süleyman Özdem Sanberk   TEXTO COMPLETO INFORME EN PDF 1 Summary   On 31 May 2010 at 4.26 a.m. a flotilla …

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The development on the international human rights framework on sexual orientation and gender identity

The development on the international human rights framework on sexual orientation and gender identity Allehone Mulugeta Abebe is an Ethiopian diplomat based in Geneva, Switzerland. He serves as a co-chair of the Technical Advisory Group of the Global Commission on HIV/AIDS and Law.  Opinions expressed in this piece do not …

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When to Kill and When to Capture?

When to Kill and When to Capture? My previous post on the Osama bin Laden killing and a number of posts at Opinio Juris have attracted a very productive discussion in the comments, which I would recommend to all readers who haven’t seen it already. The key issue that has …

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Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?

Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights law.As …

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Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?

Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful? Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights …

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ICC Launches Online Library on International Criminal Law

ICC Launches Online Library on International Criminal Law The International Criminal Court has recently launched a new version of its Legal Tools site. The site contains an invaluable online library on international criminal law which will probably be  the first port of call for those working in this field. According …

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The Security Council and Human Rights: What is the role of Art. 103 of the Charter?

The Security Council and Human Rights: What is the role of Art. 103 of the Charter? At last week’s ASIL meeting there was a panel on whether the United Nations Security Council is bound by human rights law. The panelists (Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Linos-Alexander …

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The Application of Human Rights Treaties in Wartime

The Application of Human Rights Treaties in Wartime This year the EJIL has been marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by publishing a series of articles on international human rights law. The international human rights movement was birthed in response to the atrocities during the …

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