martes, octubre 8, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Kuwait

13 de junio del 2018: Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas convocada para discutir la dramática situación en Gaza

Nicolas Boeglin

13 de junio del 2018: Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas convocada para discutir la dramática situación en Gaza 13 de junio del 2018: Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas convocada para discutir la dramática situación en Gaza Este próximo 13 de junio está convocada una reunión urgente de la Asamblea General …

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El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes

Nicolas Boeglin

El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes El pasado 1ero de …

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Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto)

Nicolas Boeglin

Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto) Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto) On June 1st, the UN Security Council voted a draft resolution presented by Kuwait concerning the …

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The Attack on Syria and the Contemporary Jus ad Bellum

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Attack on Syria and the Contemporary Jus ad Bellum The United States, Britain, and France have attacked various chemical weapons facilities in Syria. Even before they acted, a number of commentators claimed that any such attack would be internationally unlawful. Below, I explain why that claim is too simplistic …

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Cold War II

Project Syndicate

Cold War II Feb 23, 2018 Richard N. Haass A quarter-century after the end of the Cold War, the world unexpectedly finds itself in a second one. This state of affairs was anything but inevitable, and it is in neither side’s interest to escalate tensions further. NEW YORK – The …

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Perú será miembro del Consejo de Seguridad en el bienio 2018-2019

Urnas para las votaciones en la Asamblea General. Foto: ONU/Manuel Elías

Perú será miembro del Consejo de Seguridad en el bienio 2018-2019 02 de junio, 2017 — Perú será miembro no permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU a partir del 1 de enero de 2018, tras la votación celebrada hoy en la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas en Nueva …

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US Strikes against Syria and the Implications for the Jus ad Bellum

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

US Strikes against Syria and the Implications for the Jus ad Bellum The blogosphere is abuzz with reactions to the U.S. strikes against Syria. My guess is that most international lawyers will agree with Marko Milanovic that the strikes were unlawful. Article 2(4) of the Charter prohibits the use of …

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CASE OF AL-ADSANI v. THE UNITED KINGDOM – European Court of Human Rights

CASE OF AL-ADSANI v. THE UNITED KINGDOM (Application no. 35763/97) JUDGMENT STRASBOURG 21 November 2001 In the case of Al-Adsani v. the United Kingdom, The European Court of Human Rights, Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the last-mentioned date: THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A.    The …

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Suleiman Al-Adsani v Government of Kuwait and Others

Suleiman Al-Adsani v Government of Kuwait and Others COURT OF APPEAL (CIVIL DIVISION) (Transcript: John Larking) HEARING-DATES: 21 January 1994 21 January 1994   COUNSEL: J MacDonald QC and O Davies for the Plaintiff; The Defendants did not appear and were not represented PANEL: Butler-Sloss, Evans, Rose LJJ JUDGMENTBY-1: EVANS …

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What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?

What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in Libya. One of the questions I was repeatedly asked concerned the scope of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 which authorises the use of force in Libya.  How far does the resolution …

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What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?

What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit? I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in Libya. One of the questions I was repeatedly asked concerned the scope of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 which authorises the use of force in Libya.  How far does the …

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Duality of government in Côte d’Ivoire

Duality of government in Côte d’Ivoire  Dr. Jean d’Aspremont is Associate Professor of International Law and Senior Research Fellow of the Amsterdam Center for International Law at the University of Amsterdam. He is  also Guest Professor of International Humanitarian Law at the University of Louvain in Belgium and Senior Editor …

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