viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Climate change

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales – Número 45, junio 2023

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales - Número 44, diciembre 2022

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales Número 45, junio 2023 ISSN: 1697-5197 [email protected] La Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), que inició su andadura en el año 2000. La publicación de trabajos en la REEI está …

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Urgence climatique : adoption d´une demande d’avis consultatif à la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ)

Nicolas Boeglin

par Nicolas Boeglin, Professeur de droit international public, Faculté de droit, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Contact : [email protected] Le 29 mars dernier, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a adopté une résolution demandant formellement à la Cour Internationale de justice (CIJ) de se prononcer sur les obligations des Etats face …

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Emergencia climática: solicitud de opinión consultiva a la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) adoptada

Nicolas Boeglin

Nicolas Boeglin, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Contacto: [email protected] El pasado 29 de marzo, la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas adoptó una resolución en la que solicita formalmente a la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) pronunciarse sobre las obligaciones de los Estados …

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International Studies Review – Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2023

International Studies Review - Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2023

International Studies Review Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2023 ISSN: 1521-9488, EISSN: 1468-2486 @IntlStudiesRev @intlstudiesreview The International Studies Review (ISR) is a journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide. Published four times a year, ISR is intended to help (a) …

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Spanish Yearbook of International Law – No. 26 (2022)

Spanish Yearbook of International Law - No. 26 (2022)

Spanish Yearbook of International Law No. 26 (2022) ISSN: 2386-4435 @aepdiri The Spanish Yearbook of International Law (SYbIL), founded in 1991, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI). From 1991 …

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Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales – Número 44, diciembre 2022

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales - Número 44, diciembre 2022

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales Número 44, diciembre 2022 ISSN: 1697-5197 [email protected] La Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), que inició su andadura en el año 2000. La publicación de trabajos en la REEI está …

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European Journal of International Law – Volume 33, Issue 3, August 2022

European Journal of International Law - Volume 33, Issue 3, August 2022

European Journal of International Law Volume 33, Issue 3, August 2022 ISSN: 0938-5428, EISSN: 1464-3596 @EJILTalk @EJILTalk EJIL:Talk! EJIL:Live! EJIL: The Podcast! The European Journal of International Law is firmly established as one of the world’s leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical approaches …

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Ocean Development & International Law – Volume 53, Issue 2-3 (2022)

Ocean Development & International Law - Volume 53, Issue 2-3 (2022)

Ocean Development & International Law Volume 53, Issue 2-3 (2022) ISSN: 0090-8320, Online ISSN: 1521-0642 @tandfonline @TaylorandFrancisGroup TaylorandFrancis tandfchina taylor-&-francis-group Ocean Development and International Law is devoted to all aspects of international and comparative law and policy concerning the management of ocean use and activities. It focuses on the international …

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International Studies Perspectives – Volume 23, Issue 3, August 2022

International Studies Perspectives - Volume 23, Issue 3, August 2022

International Studies Perspectives Volume 23, Issue 3, August 2022 ISSN: 1528-3577, EISSN: 1528-3585 @isanet @intlstudiesassociation Each journal in the ISA group of journals has a particular mission and scope.  ISP publishes four types of articles:  Policy Research and Commentary These articles address current or recent policy debates – broadly conceived …

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International Journal of Human Rights – Volume 26, Issue 6 (2022)

International Journal of Human Rights - Volume 26, Issue 1 (2022)

International Journal of Human Rights Volume 26, Issue 6 (2022) ISSN: 1364-2987, EISSN: 1744-053X @tandfonline @TaylorandFrancisGroup TaylorandFrancis tandfchina taylor-&-francis-group The International Journal of Human Rights covers an exceptionally broad spectrum of human rights issues: human rights and the law, race, religion, gender, children, class, refugees and immigration. In addition to …

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International Studies Quarterly – Volume 66, Issue 2, June 2022

International Studies Quarterly - Volume 66, Issue 2, June 2022

International Studies Quarterly Volume 66, Issue 2, June 2022 ISSN: 0020-8833, EISSN: 1468-2478 @ISQ_Jrnl @OUPAcademic International Studies Quarterly (ISQ) is the flagship journal of the International Studies Association. It seeks to publish leading scholarship that engages with significant theoretical, empirical, and normative subjects in international studies. More detailed information about the …

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First COP (Conference of States Parties) of the Escazú Agreement (2018)

Nicolas Boeglin

“On March 8, 1995, the Court “annulled the warrant of arrest issued”.Even though this decision was groundless, the prosecutor in charge of the investigation at that time stated in a subsequent statement (infra para. 63) that Juan Francisco López-Mejía confessed to have been coerced into rendering an incriminating statement; therefore, …

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