viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: ARTICLES

Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC

Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC Comoros has referred the action of Israeli troops in boarding the flotilla headed to Gaza on 31 May 2010 to the International Criminal Court. The ICC Prosecutor has announced that she is …

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What is the Meaning of “Consensus” in International Decision Making?

What is the Meaning of “Consensus” in International Decision Making? On 28 March, the negotiators at the Final UN Diplomatic Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty failed to adopt the Arms Trade Treaty (see BBC report here) by consensus.  A few days later the Arms Trade Treaty was adopted by the …

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Incorporating UN General Assembly Declaratory Texts into Domestic Law?

Incorporating UN General Assembly Declaratory Texts into Domestic Law? Last week in Canada, with federal MPs returning to Parliament amidst the continuation of countrywide protests by indigenous peoples, an opposition MP introduced a private member’s bill (Bill C-469) to require the Canadian government to ensure that all federal laws are …

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Incorporating UN General Assembly Declaratory Texts into Domestic Law?

Incorporating UN General Assembly Declaratory Texts into Domestic Law? Last week in Canada, with federal MPs returning to Parliament amidst the continuation of countrywide protests by indigenous peoples, an opposition MP introduced a private member’s bill (Bill C-469) to require the Canadian government to ensure that all federal laws are …

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French Military Intervention in Mali: It’s Legal but… Why? Part I

French Military Intervention in Mali: It’s Legal but… Why? Part I Part 1: The Argument of Collective Self-Defense Dr. Theodore Christakis is Professor of International Law at the University Grenoble-Alpes (France). He is Director of the Centre for International Security and European Studies (CESICE) and chairman of the ESIL Interest …

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Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute

Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute Today, the Philippines has initiated arbitral proceedings against China with regard to China’s claims over much of the South China seas. Those Chinese claims have led to serious disputes between China and several of its neighbours in East Asia with those disputes …

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Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute

Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute Today, the Philippines has initiated arbitral proceedings against China with regard to China’s claims over much of the South China seas. Those Chinese claims have led to serious disputes between China and several of its neighbours in East Asia with those disputes …

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Convención sobre extradición (Séptima Conferencia Internacional Americana, Montevideo – 1933)

Los Gobiernos representados en la Séptima Conferencia Internacional Americana, Deseosos de concertar un convenio acerca de Extradición, han nombrado los siguientes Plenipotenciarios: [Los nombres de los plenipotenciarios siguen.] Quienes, después de haber exhibido sus Plenos Poderes, que fueron hallados en buena y debida forma, han convenido en lo siguiente: Artículo …

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The ECtHR Finds Macedonia Responsible in Connection with Torture by the CIA, but on What Basis?

The ECtHR Finds Macedonia Responsible in Connection with Torture by the CIA, but on What Basis? André Nollkaemper is Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. He directs the project on ‘Shared Responsibility in International Law’ (SHARES); this piece is cross-posted on …

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Palestine, When is Your Birthday?

Palestine, When is Your Birthday?  Col. (Retired) Liron A. Libman, LL.M, is a former Head of the International Law Department of the Israeli Defense Forces. On 29 November, in what some reports described as a historic vote, the UN General Assembly accorded to “Palestine” the status of a “non-member observer state” …

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Immunity of Warships: Argentina Initiates Proceedings Against Ghana under UNCLOS

Immunity of Warships: Argentina Initiates Proceedings Against Ghana under UNCLOS Another chapter has begun in the saga of NML Capital Ltd’s attempts to collect on its holdings of Argentinean bonds (see here for earlier reporting on EJIL:Talk!) with the initiation of inter-State proceedings by Argentina against Ghana under the 1982 …

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The Saga Continues: Argentina’s Request for Provisional Measures v Ghana before the ITLOS

The Saga Continues: Argentina’s Request for Provisional Measures v Ghana before the ITLOS On 14 November 2012 Argentina filed a Request for provisional measures before the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) based in Hamburg, Germany in accordance with Article 290(5) of the United Nations Convention on …

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