jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: America First

International Studies Perspectives – Volume 22, Issue 4, November 2021

International Studies Perspectives - Volume 22, Issue 4, November 2021

International Studies Perspectives Volume 22, Issue 4, November 2021 ISSN: 1528-3577, EISSN: 1528-3585 @isanet @intlstudiesassociation Each journal in the ISA group of journals has a particular mission and scope.  ISP publishes four types of articles:  Policy Research and Commentary These articles address current or recent policy debates – broadly conceived …

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Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional – Volumen XX, enero-diciembre 2020

Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional - Volumen XX, enero-diciembre 2020

Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional Volumen XX, enero-diciembre 2020 ISSN: 1870-4654, EISSN: 2448-7872 @IIJUNAM @anuariomexicanoderechointernacional IIJUNAM El Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional surgió en el año 2000, como publicación del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (IIJ). El objetivo original del AMDI es buscar la participación activa de juristas nacionales y extranjeros …

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Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Favourite Readings 2018: Discovering (new) classics, better late than never Editor’s note: Continuing a tradition started by Isabel Feichtner a few years ago, EJIL’s Review Editor, Christian J. Tams, invited members of the EJIL board to offer short reflections on their favourite books of the year 2018. In the following days we will …

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Una nueva era de incertidumbre nuclear

Project Syndicate

Una nueva era de incertidumbre nuclear May 11, 2018 Javier Solana AQUISGRÁN – La Administración Trump sigue obcecada en echar por tierra los grandes consensos a nivel internacional. La lista de desplantes empieza a ser exasperantemente larga: el anuncio de la futura retirada del Acuerdo de París, el inminente traslado …

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Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power

Project Syndicate

Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power Feb 6, 2018 Joseph S. Nye How a government behaves at home, in international institutions, and in foreign policy can affect others by the influence of its example. In all of these areas, Trump has reversed attractive American policies. CAMBRIDGE – …

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Trump’s UN Hypocrisy

Project Syndicate

Trump’s UN Hypocrisy Sep 28, 2017 Christopher R. Hill US President Donald Trump’s tone in his maiden address to the United Nations was that of a dissatisfied tenant, blaming the landlord for his home’s poor state of repair. But the UN is only as good as those who inhabit it, …

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Saving the International Economic Order

Project Syndicate

Saving the International Economic Order Paola Subacchi Paola Subacchi is Research Director of International Economics at Chatham House and Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna. She is the author of The People’s Money: How China is Building an International Currency. SEP 1, 2017 LONDON – This autumn, the …

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A vueltas con el orden global

Project Syndicate

A vueltas con el orden global Javier Solana Javier Solana was EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary-General of NATO, and Foreign Minister of Spain. He is currently President of the ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, Distinguished Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a member of the World …

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Hegemonic Cooperation or Succession? The United States’ Emerging ‘Abandonment’, and China’s Rising ‘Defense’, of the Global Order

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Hegemonic Cooperation or Succession? The United States’ Emerging ‘Abandonment’, and China’s Rising ‘Defense’, of the Global Order Many international lawyers all over the world will doubtless have experienced a surge of surrealism over the past weeks, witnessing dramatic contrasts emerging between American and Chinese foreign policies seeking to redefine the …

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International Law in the Age of Trump

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

International Law in the Age of Trump In the second month of Donald Trump’s presidency, we still know little about his foreign policy agenda. He regularly said things during the campaign that suggested a radical departure from longstanding tenets of U.S. foreign policy. And during his first month in office, …

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