viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Algeria

Gaza / Israel: con respecto al tercer veto de Estados Unidos en el Consejo de Seguridad

Nicolas Boeglin

Nicolas Boeglin, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Contacto: [email protected]   “In just over four months in Gaza there have been more children, more journalists, more medical personnel, and more UN staff killed than anywhere in the world during a conflict. Over 150 …

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The Recent Suspension of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. A Few Reflections

Nicolas Boeglin

Nicolas Boeglin, Professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Costa Rica (UCR) On 7 April 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution suspending Russia’s participation in the Human Rights Council. The first operative paragraph (OP1 in United Nations jargon) of this resolution states that the …

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The Battle for International Law

The Battle for International Law

The Battle for International Law South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era Edited by Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann ISBN: 9780198849636 (Hardcover)Publicado: 24 December 2019Páginas: 496 This volume provides the first comprehensive analysis of international legal debates between 1955 and 1975 related to the formal decolonization process. It is during …

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The Partition of the Chagos Archipelago and the Haunting Spectre of the South West Africa Cases

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Part I: The Partition of the Chagos Archipelago and the Haunting Spectre of the South West Africa Cases The advisory proceedings concerning the Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 are over, but an opinion that answers the legal questions raised in the request …

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A Future for Western Sahara

Project Syndicate

A Future for Western Sahara Ana Palacio Ana Palacio, a former Spanish foreign minister and former Senior Vice President of the World Bank, is a member of the Spanish Council of State, a visiting lecturer at Georgetown University, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the …

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Election of Judges to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Election of Judges to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 2017 will be a busy year for elections to international tribunals. There will be elections later this year to elect five Judges of the International Court of Justice and six judges of the International Criminal Court (see here). …

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The impact of Morocco’s admission to the African Union on the dispute over the Western Sahara


The impact of Morocco’s admission to the African Union on the dispute over the Western Sahara by Alonso Illueca and Sophocles Kitharidis [Alonso Illueca is Adjunct Professor of International Law at Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (Panama) and holds an LL.M. from Columbia University, where he specialised in Public …

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Comisión preparatoria de la autoridad internacional de los fondos marinos y el tribunal internacional del derecho del mar 1983-1994 (Documentos en español)

PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY AND FOR THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCUMENTS (1983 -1995) Document No. List of delegations to the Preparatory Commission LOS/PCN/INF/1 List of delegations to the first session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 15 March to …

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Comisión para los Usos Pacíficos de los Fondos Marinos y Oceánicos Fuera de los Límites de la Jurisdicción Nacional 1969-1973 (Documentos en español)

COMISION PARA LOS USOS PACÍFICOS DE LOS FONDOS MARINOS Y OCEÁNICOS FUERA DE LOS LÍMITES DE LA JURISDICCIÓN NACIONAL LEGAL SUB-COMMITTEE A/AC.138/SC.1/1 Programme of work: Note “by the Chairman (dated 10 March 1969) 2 Provisional agenda (dated 10 March 1969) 3 Programme of work (adopted by the Sub-Committee at its …

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Convenio sobre la Ayuda Alimentaria, 1999. Londres, 13 de abril de 1999

PREÁMBULO Las Partes en el presente Convenio Habiendo revisado el Convenio sobre Ayuda Alimentaria, 1995 y su objetivo de asegurar como mínimo 10 millones de toneladas de ayuda alimentaria anualmente en forma de cereal adecuado para el consumo humano, y deseando confirmar su deseo de mantener la cooperación internacional en …

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Attorney-General (New Zealand) v. Zaoui

  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND SC CIV 19/2004 [2005] NZSC 38 BETWEEN    ATTORNEY-GENERAL Appellant AND    AHMED ZAOUI First Respondent AND    INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY Second Respondent AND    HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Intervener Court:    Elias CJ, Gault, Keith, Blanchard and Eichelbaum JJ Counsel: T Arnold QC, Solicitor General, …

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