sábado, julio 27, 2024


Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 31 March 1993. – A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö and others v Commission of the European Communities. – Concerted practices between undertakings established in non-member countries affecting selling prices to purchasers established in the Community. – Joined cases C-89/85, C-104/85, C-114/85, C-116/85, C-117/85 and C-125/85 to C-129/85.

Keywords ++++ 1. Competition ° Administrative procedure ° Statement of objections ° Content required (Regulation No 17 of the Council, Art. 19(1); Regulation No 99/63 of the Commission, Art. 4) 2. Competition ° Agreements, decisions and concerted practices ° Concerted practice ° Concept ° Coordination and cooperation incompatible with the …

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NUEVA EMBAJADORA ARGENTINA ANTE EL SALVADOR La Cancillería argentina informa que mediante el decreto 1979/2011, la ministro Betina Alejandra Pasquali fue designada como nueva Embajadora ante la República de El Salvador, país que ya otorgó el plácet de estilo.Betina Pasquali es abogada y procuradora por la Facultad de Derecho y …

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Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: An Overview

Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: An Overview I am very grateful for the opportunity to discuss my book on EJIL: Talk! and Opinio Juris, as am I grateful to the commentators on both blogs for taking the time to read and discuss it. In this introductory post I’ll try …

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CONDECORACIÓN Y DESPEDIDA DEL NUNCIO APOSTÓLICO La Cancillería argentina informa que en la tarde de ayer el Nuncio apostólico, Adriano Bernardini, fue condecorado por el Vicecanciller, Alberto D´Alotto, y el Secretario de Culto de la Nación, Guillermo Oliveri, con la Órden del Libertador San Martín en el grado de Gran …

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