jueves, julio 25, 2024
Journal of Conflict Resolution - Volume 63 Issue 8, September 2019

Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 63 Issue 8, September 2019

jcrb 63 8.cover

Journal of Conflict Resolution

Volume 63 Issue 8, September 2019

ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766

Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes of and solutions to the full range of human conflict. JCR focuses on conflict between and within states, but also explores a variety of inter-group and interpersonal conflicts that may help in understanding problems of war and peace. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations
Jose´-Manuel Gime´nez-Go´mez, Yabibal M. Walle, and Yitagesu Zewdu Zergawu
Talking to the Shameless? Sexual Violence and Mediation in Intrastate Conflicts
Robert Ulrich Nagel
Do Binding Beat Nonbinding Agreements? Regulating International Water Quality
Martin Ko¨ppel and Detlef F. Sprinz
The Devil’s Haircut: Investor–State Disputes over Debt Restructuring
Matthew DiGiuseppe and Patrick E. Shea
More Is Not Always Better: The Case of Counterterrorism Security
Pritha Dev and Konrad Grabiszewski
A Question of Costliness: Time Horizons and Interstate Signaling
Kyle Haynes
Can Hierarchy Dodge Bullets? Examining Blame Attribution in Military Contracting
Austin P. Johnson, Nehemia Geva, and Kenneth J. Meier

Data Set Feature
The Private Security Events Database
Deborah Avant and Kara Kingma Neu


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