jueves, octubre 24, 2024
Opinio Juris

Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights

Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights

[Lena Riemer just finished a year as a Fox International Fellowship at Yale University and is currently a PhD Candidate at the Free University of Berlin writing on the prohibition of collective expulsion in public international law.] In June 2019, US President Donald Trump announced  a migration agreement with Mexico which reportedly provides for “a regional approach to burden-sharing in…

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European Journal of International Law - Volume 35, Issue 2, May 2024

European Journal of International Law – Volume 35, Issue 2, May 2024

European Journal of International Law Volume 35, Issue 2, May 2024 ISSN: 0938-5428, EISSN: 1464-3596 …