lunes, octubre 7, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Kosovo

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility Consider the following scenario: state A commits an internationally wrongful act (say genocide) against state B, incurring responsibility for doing so and giving state B an entitlement to reparation. Before state B actually manages to obtain reparation from state A, state …

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Firmado en Oslo un tratado histórico sobre las bombas de racimo

Firmado en Oslo un tratado histórico sobre las bombas de racimo Durante una ceremonia celebrada en Oslo el miércoles 3 de diciembre de 2008, 92 Estados firmaron la Convención sobre Municiones en Racimo, que prohíbe la producción, el almacenamiento, el uso y la exportación de bombas de racimo. Se espera …

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Press Release 2008/34

Press Release 2008/34 NEW Request for an advisory opinion by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/63/3) – The General Assembly of the United Nations requests an advisory opinion from the Court on the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo (71 Kb)Read more … [via International Court of Justice, The Hague, …

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ICJ to Give Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Kosovo`s Independence

ICJ to Give Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Kosovo`s Independence Yesterday, the UN General Assembly by 77 votes in favor, 6 votes against and 74 Member States abstaining backed Serbia’s proposal to submit the question of the legality of Kosovo’s independence to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).  According …

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TAIANA RECIBIí“ HOY AL MINISTRO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DE SERBIA El 14 de abril de 2008 el canciller Jorge Taiana recibió en audiencia al ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Serbia, Vuk Jeremic. El ministro Jeremic concurrió acompañado por el ministro adjunto para Asuntos Bilaterales, Cedomir Radojkovic, por …

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