jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: International Tribunal

Journal of International Dispute Settlement – Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement - Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2020 ISSN: 2040-3585, EISSN: 2040-3593 @OUPLaw @OUPLaw Since the 1980s, a radical development has taken place in international dispute settlement. The number of international courts, tribunals and other international dispute resolution mechanisms has increased dramatically. The number of international disputes …

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International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy

International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy

International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy Principles of international law series Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, former Ambassador and sometime Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK ISBN: 978 1 83910 218 9Publicado: 2020Páginas: 360 eISBN: 978 1 83910 219 6 …

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Journal of International Dispute Settlement – Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement - Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020 ISSN: 2040-3585, EISSN: 2040-3593 @OUPLaw @OUPLaw Since the 1980s, a radical development has taken place in international dispute settlement. The number of international courts, tribunals and other international dispute resolution mechanisms has increased dramatically. The number of international disputes …

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International Development Law

International Development Law

International Development Law The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Edited by Petra Minnerop, Rudiger Wolfrum, and Frauke Lachenmann ISBN: 9780198835097 (Hardcover)Publicado: 11 June 2019Páginas: 992 This volume brings together articles on international development law from the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, the definitive reference work on …

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Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 16 (2016)

Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 16 (2016)

Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 16 (2016) International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea This volume contains the decisions rendered by the Tribunal in the year 2016 in English and French: The Judgment delivered on 4 November 2016 …

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Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute?

Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute? In a previous post, I dealt with the question whether Libya has an obligation to surrender Saif Al Islam Gaddafi pending any …

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Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute?

Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute? In a previous post, I dealt with the question whether Libya has an obligation to surrender Saif Al Islam Gaddafi pending any …

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The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Gets Busier

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Gets BusierLast summer, I wrote a piece on this blog noting that the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which had been underutilised for some years, was finally getting some substative cases to decide. Although ITLOS had decided a number of cases …

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Statute of the International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR)

STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA(As amended) As amended by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of …

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Statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991

Having been established by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (hereinafter referred to as “the International …

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