jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: European Commission

International Studies Perspectives – Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2022

International Studies Perspectives - Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2022

International Studies Perspectives Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2022 ISSN: 1528-3577, EISSN: 1528-3585 @isanet @intlstudiesassociation Each journal in the ISA group of journals has a particular mission and scope.  ISP publishes four types of articles:  Policy Research and Commentary These articles address current or recent policy debates – broadly conceived …

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European Papers – Vol. 4, 2019, No 1

European Papers - Vol. 4, 2019, No 1

European Papers Vol. 4, 2019, No 1 ISSN: 2499-8249 (Online Journal), ISSN: 2499-7498 (Website) [email protected] Cuadernos Europeos es la expresión de un proyecto cultural que proporciona un lugar de reflexión sobre la integración europea entendida como medio de construir una nueva comunidad política. Cuadernos Europeos se concibe, por tanto, como …

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The Inter-American Court’s Advisory Opinion on Asylum and Its Impact for the Human Rights of Refugees Worldwide


The Inter-American Court’s Advisory Opinion on Asylum and Its Impact for the Human Rights of Refugees Worldwide [Massimo Frigo is a Senior International Legal Advisor at the International Commission of Jurists.] 2018 continues to be a year marked by fierce disputes with regard to asylum, including what it is and …

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Confronting the Migrant Threat to the EU

Project Syndicate

Confronting the Migrant Threat to the EU Jun 22, 2018 Ana Palacio More than any other challenge facing Europe today, the ongoing migration crisis has the potential to destroy the European project. Rather than debating European Commission diktats and lamenting member states’ rebelliousness, EU leaders must consider fresh approaches, including …

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The International Community and the Challenge to the Rule of Law: The Future of Iran Nuclear Deal


The International Community and the Challenge to the Rule of Law: The Future of Iran Nuclear Deal by Katayoun Hosseinnejad and Pouria Askary [Katayoun Hosseinnejad is a university lecturer of international law and attorney at law in Iran and Pouria Askary is an assistant professor of international law at law school of …

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Is Ukraine a “Stranger” to the EU? OPAL Case

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Is Ukraine a “Stranger” to the EU? OPAL Case In their recent contribution to the Global Trust Working Paper Series, Professor Eyal Benvenisti and Dr. Sivan Shlomo Agon raise one conspicuous, though rarely asked, question within a broader topic of state sovereignty in a globalised world. They wonder how sovereign …

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Iceland not responsible for the liabilities of its deposit insurance scheme

Iceland not responsible for the liabilities of its deposit insurance scheme In a landmark decision, the EFTA Court on 28 January 2013 dismissed all claims brought by the EFTA Surveillance Authority against Iceland in the Icesave case. The Authority had alleged that Iceland had breached its obligations under Directive 94/14/EC …

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European Convention on the Avoidance of Statelessness in Relation to State Succession

PreambleThe member States of the Council of Europe and the other States signatory to this Convention,Considering that the avoidance of statelessness is one of the main concerns of the international community in the field of nationality;Noting that State succession remains a major source of cases of statelessness;Recognising that the European …

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Treaty Between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey. (Berlin). July 13, 1878.

Article I. Bulgaria is constituted an autonomous and tributary Principality under the suzerainty of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan. It will have a Christian government and a national militia. Article XXIII. The Sublime Porte undertakes scrupulously to apply in the Island of Crete the Organic Law of 1868 with such …

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