jueves, octubre 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Bissau

CASO RELATIVO AL LAUDO ARBITRAL DE 31 DE JULIO DE 1989 (GUINEA-BISSAU CONTRA EL SENEGAL) Fallo de 12 de noviembre de 1991 – Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

CASO RELATIVO AL LAUDO ARBITRAL DE 31 DE JULIO DE 1989 (GUINEA-BISSAU CONTRA EL SENEGAL) Fallo de 12 de noviembre de 1991 Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia   En su fallo en el caso relativo al laudo arbitral de 31 de …

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CASO RELATIVO AL LAUDO ARBITRAL DE 31 DE JULIO DE 1989 (GUINEA-BISSAU CONTRA EL SENEGAL) Providencia de 2 de marzo de 1990 – Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

CASO RELATIVO AL LAUDO ARBITRAL DE 31 DE JULIO DE 1989 (GUINEA-BISSAU CONTRA EL SENEGAL) Providencia de 2 de marzo de 1990 Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia   En una providencia dictada en el caso relativo al laudo arbitral de 31 …

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General Assembly, Adopting Political Text, Pledges to Address Twin Imperatives of Security, Development, in Efforts to End Conflict in Africa

General Assembly, Adopting Political Text, Pledges to Address Twin Imperatives of Security, Development, in Efforts to End Conflict in Africa Declaration Reaffirms Importance of UN-African Union Partnership, Capping Two-day Event amid Calls for Africans to Take Charge of Peace Efforts Recognizing that the “indispensable” partnership between the United Nations and …

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Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have?

Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have? Last week, the United Kingdom recognised the umbrella Syrian opposition organization, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (NCS) as …

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Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have?

Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have? Last week, the United Kingdom recognised the umbrella Syrian opposition organization, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (NCS) as …

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LA ARGENTINA CONDENA EL GOLPE DE ESTADO EN GUINEA BISSAU La República Argentina condena el golpe de estado militar en la República de Guinea Bissau y lamenta especialmente que haya tenido lugar en vísperas de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales, interrumpiendo la normalidad democrática.A su vez, apoya los …

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Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989, Case concerning (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) (Request for Indication of Provisional Measures and Judgment)

CASE CONCERNING THE ARBITRAL AWARD OF 31 JULY 1989 (GUINEA-BISSAU v. SENEGAL)REQUEST FOR THE INDICATION OF PROVISIONAL MEASURES 2 March 1990 ORDER   Present: President Ruda; Vice-President Mbaye; Judges Lachs, Elias, Oda, Ago, Schwebel, Sir Robert Jennings, Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen, Pathak; Judge ad hoc Thierry; Registrar Valencia-Ospina. The …

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The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Gets Busier

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Gets BusierLast summer, I wrote a piece on this blog noting that the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which had been underutilised for some years, was finally getting some substative cases to decide. Although ITLOS had decided a number of cases …

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OAU Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (Bamako Convention)

Adopted 30 January 1991 Bamako, Mali PREAMBLE The Parties to this Convention, 1.  Mindful of the growing threat to human health and the environment posed by the increased generation and the complexity of hazardous wastes, 2.  Further mindful that the most effective way of protecting human health and the environment …

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Yamoussoukro IV Accord (Libya)

Final Communiqué of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States on the Liberian crisis, held in Yamoussoukro on 29 and 30 October 1991 1. The Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Liberia held its …

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African Union, Constitutive Act

We, Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organization of African Unity (OAU): The President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria The President of the Republic of Angola The President of the Republic of Benin The President of the Republic of Botswana The President of …

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Resolución 2787 (XXVI) de la Asamblea General. Importancia de la realización uni­versal del derecho de los pueblos a la libre determinación y de la rápida concesión de la independencia a los países y pueblos coloniales para la efectiva garantía y obser­vancia de los derechos humanos

La Asamblea General, Reafirmando sus resoluciones 1514 (XV) de 14 de diciembre de 1960, 1803 (XVII) de 14 de diciembre de 1962, 1904 (XVIII) de 20 de noviembre de 1963, 2200 (XXI) de 16 de diciembre de 1966, 2535 B (XXIV) de 10 de diciembre de 1969, 2625 (XXV) de …

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