jueves, febrero 13, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: BBC

Uses of Force against Civil Aircraft

Uses of Force against Civil Aircraft Dr Kimberley N. Trapp is lecturer in law at Newnham College, University of Cambridge. On 18 June, South Korean marines (stationed on Gyodong Island, to the west of South Korea) fired 99 rifle rounds at an Asiana flight en route from Chengdu (China) to …

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Which Entity is the Government of Libya and Why does it Matter?

Which Entity is the Government of Libya and Why does it Matter? In the past couple of days, Germany and Canada have joined the group of countries that have declared that they consider the National Transitional Council (NTC) in to be the “legitimate representative” of the Libyan people. But what …

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UN Panel of Experts Report on the Sri Lanka Conflict

UN Panel of Experts Report on the Sri Lanka ConflictThe report of the Panel of Experts appointed by the UN Secretary-General to investigate the circumstances of the conclusion the Sri Lanka war has been made public today – full report here, BBC News article here. The report was disclosed to …

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The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN Authorizations

The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN AuthorizationsAntonios Tzanakopoulos is Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Glasgow. Many thanks are due to Professor Vaughan Lowe QC, as well as to Drs James Upcher and Marko Milanović.I. The History of the Conflict in Côte …

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The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN Authorizations

The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN Authorizations Antonios Tzanakopoulos is Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Glasgow. Many thanks are due to Professor Vaughan Lowe QC, as well as to Drs James Upcher and Marko Milanović. I. The History of the Conflict …

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La ONU sanciona por unanimidad a Gadafi

La ONU sanciona por unanimidad a Gadafi El Consejo de Seguridad vota la imposición de sanciones al líder libio y a su familia por la represión violenta de las protestas. El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas votó este sábado por unanimidad la imposición de sanciones al gobierno de Muamar …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford.A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so far, occurred …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya? Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford. A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so …

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Sudán del Sur: el reto de construir una nueva nación

Sudán del Sur: el reto de construir una nueva nación Luego de años de guerra y penurias, sus habitantes tienen ahora  la oportunidad de regocijarse con la confirmación de que la región se convertirá en julio próximo en un Estado independiente. Luego de años de guerra y penurias, los habitantes …

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ICJ Decision Helps to End Environmntal Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay

ICJ Decision Helps to End Environmntal Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay The BBC is reporting that Argentina and Uruguay have settled a seven year environmental dispute concerning a pulp mill. The dispute was submitted to the ICJ which rendered its judgment in April this year.   According to the BBC:  Argentina and …

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European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest BashirThe BBC reports that a number of European Union States have summoned Kenyan Ambassadors asking them to explain why Kenya failed to arrest Sudanese President Bashir when he visited Kenya last week. The International Criminal Court has issued two warrants for the …

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European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir The BBC reports that a number of European Union States have summoned Kenyan Ambassadors asking them to explain why Kenya failed to arrest Sudanese President Bashir when he visited Kenya last week. The International Criminal Court has issued two warrants for …

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