jueves, enero 23, 2025
International Studies Review - Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2021

International Studies Review – Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2021

International Studies Review - Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2021

International Studies Review

Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2021

ISSN: 1521-9488, EISSN: 1468-2486

The International Studies Review (ISR) is a journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide. Published four times a year, ISR is intended to help (a) scholars engage in the kind of dialogue and debate that will shape the field of international studies in the future; (b) graduate and undergraduate students understand major issues in international studies and identify promising opportunities for research; and (c) educators keep up with new ideas and research.


Analytical Essays
Rising Illusion and Illusion of Rising: Mapping Global Financial Governance and Relocating China
Falin Zhang

Terminological Entrepreneurs and Discursive Shifts in International Relations: How a Discipline Invented the “International Regime”
Jens Steffek, Marcus Müller, Hartmut Behr

The Researcher and the Researched: Navigating the Challenges of Research in Conflict-Affected Environments
Eleanor Gordon

International Relations Theory and the Future of European Integration
Richard Maher

Integrating the Quantitative Research on the Onset and Incidence of Violent Intrastate Conflicts
Christoph Trinn, Thomas Wencker

Subordinate-State Agency and US Hegemony: Colombian Consent versus Bolivian Dissent
Quintijn B Kat

Where We At? New Directions for Research on Popular Culture and World Politics
Rhys Crilley

Regrounding Critical Theory: Lenin on Imperialism, Nationalism, and Strategy
Anthony Pahnke

Book Reviews
Contextual Critical Theory: Revisiting the Historical Mode of Thought
Michael C McCall

Organizational Routines and Military Behavior in Nonconventional Operations
Chiara Ruffa

Shining a Light on Alliance Treaty Negotiations
Jesse C Johnson

What Can Islamic Law Practice Tell Us about the Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes?
Charlotte Ku

From Doctrine to Practice: International Courts and Their De Facto Authority
Andriy Tyushka

Explaining Change in China’s Military Strategy
Sabine Mokry

Unearthing the Method of Realpolitik
Samuel Thomas Driggers

International Climate Negotiations: Processes and Politics
Liza Dallo Rihmo Hijam

Toward a Foreign Policy for the Democratic Party
Kjølv Egeland

Activist International Organizations and Private Partnerships in New Transnational Governance
Swati Srivastava

Review Essay
Status Matters in World Politics
Elias Götz

After Failure: American Foreign Policy at the End of the Post–Cold War Era
Aaron Ettinger

The Forum
Forum: Rethinking Neoclassical Realism at Theory’s End
Gustav Meibauer, Linde Desmaele, Tudor Onea, Nicholas Kitchen, Michiel Foulon …


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