martes, octubre 8, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: The Court

ONU encomia resolución de EEUU sobre crímenes internacionales cometidos por el ISIS

Familia cristiana desplazada por la violencia del ISIS en Iraq Foto: IRIN/Louise Redvers

ONU encomia resolución de EEUU sobre crímenes internacionales cometidos por el ISIS 18 de marzo, 2016 — El representante especial de la ONU para Iraq acogió con beneplácito hoy la resolución del Congreso de Estados Unidos que reconoce las atrocidades cometidas por el ISIS como posibles crímenes de guerra, de …

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CRC Concluding Observations on the Holy See

CRC Concluding Observations on the Holy See The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child released today its concluding observations on the second periodic report of the Holy See. The report is making waves in the media because of the Committee’s very strong condemnation of the inadequacy of the …

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Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece) – 05/12/2011 – Judgment –

5 DECEMBER 2011 JUDGMENT APPLICATION OF THE INTERIM ACCORD OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1995 (THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA v. GREECE) Chronology of the procedure I. Introduction Jurisdiction of the Court and admissibility of the Application 23-61 Whether the dispute is excluded from the Court’s jurisdiction under the terms of …

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Two New Decisions on Subject-Matter Immunity, Torture and Extrajudicial Killings

Two New Decisions on Subject-Matter Immunity, Torture and Extrajudicial Killings  Lorna McGregor, Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Essex. Her publications include: Torture and State Immunity: Deflecting Impunity, Distorting Sovereignty’, 18 European Journal of International Law 903 – 919 (2007) and ‘State Immunity and Jus Cogens’, 55(2) International and …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya? Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford. A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so …

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Laudo arbitral de su majestad Británica (1977) en inglés

part i: report A. Personnel of the Case The Court: Members (as appointed on 22 July 1971): Judge Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice (President) Judge Andr6 Gros Judge Sture Petren Judge Charles Onyeama Judge Hardy C. Dillard Registrar Professor Philippe Cahier The Parties: The Argentine Republic, represented by As Agents: His Excellency …

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Declaración de Nulidad Argentina al Laudo de su Majestad Británica de 1977 (25/01/1978) en inglés

note from the minister for foreign affairs of the argentine republic to the ambassador of chile in argentina* Buenos Aires, 25 January 1978 Sir, I am pleased to inform you, on express instructions from my Gov­ernment, that the Government of the Argentine Republic, after carefully studying the arbitral Award by …

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ICJ Diallo Merits Judgment

ICJ Diallo Merits JudgmentToday the ICJ delivered its merits judgment in the case concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo). The Court found that in carrying out the arrest, detention and expulsion of Mr. Diallo in 1995-1996, the DRC violated his fundamental rights under …

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ICJ Decision Helps to End Environmntal Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay

ICJ Decision Helps to End Environmntal Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay The BBC is reporting that Argentina and Uruguay have settled a seven year environmental dispute concerning a pulp mill. The dispute was submitted to the ICJ which rendered its judgment in April this year.   According to the BBC:  Argentina and …

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Press Release 2010/38

Press Release 2010/38 NEW Proceedings instituted by the Republic of Costa Rica against the Republic of Nicaragua – Costa Rica institutes proceedings against Nicaragua and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures (81 Kb)Read more … [via International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands]

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Press Release 2010/38

Press Release 2010/38NEW Proceedings instituted by the Republic of Costa Rica against the Republic of Nicaragua – Costa Rica institutes proceedings against Nicaragua and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures (81 Kb)Read more …[via International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands]

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Prosecuting pirates in national courts: US v Said and piracy under US law

Prosecuting pirates in national courts: US v Said and piracy under US law On August 17, a US District Court handed down a fascinating piece of statutory interpretation that apparently means that unless a Somali pirate succeeds in stealing something, he cannot be charged with piracy under US law. There …

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