viernes, julio 26, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: oil

Agresión económica

El término “agresión económica” se refiere a una forma de agresión que involucra acciones que buscan afectar severamente la economía de un país con el propósito de ejercer presión política o conseguir objetivos estratégicos. Este concepto fue debatido en el Consejo de Seguridad en julio de 1960, en base a …

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Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 66 Issue 7-8, August-September 2022

Journal of Conflict Resolution - Volume 66 Issue 7-8, August-September 2022

Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 66 Issue 7-8, August-September 2022 ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766 @SAGE_Publishing @SAGEPublishing SAGE Publishing Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes …

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Ocean Development & International Law – Volume 53, Issue 1 (2022)

Ocean Development & International Law - Volume 53, Issue 1 (2022)

Ocean Development & International Law Volume 53, Issue 1 (2022) ISSN: 0090-8320, Online ISSN: 1521-0642 @tandfonline @TaylorandFrancisGroup TaylorandFrancis tandfchina taylor-&-francis-group Ocean Development and International Law is devoted to all aspects of international and comparative law and policy concerning the management of ocean use and activities. It focuses on the international …

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The Yearbook of Polar Law – Volume 11, 2019

The Yearbook of Polar Law - Volume 11, 2019

The Yearbook of Polar Law Volume 11, 2019 ISSN: 1876-8814 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The Yearbook of Polar Law, based at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law at the University of Akureyri in Iceland, covers a wide variety of topics relating to the Arctic and the Antarctic. These include: – human …

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Towards an International Convention on Business and Human Rights


Towards an International Convention on Business and Human Rights by Carlos Lopez [Carlos Lopez is a Senior Legal Advisor at the International Commission of Jurists.] The first draft of one of the most important international human rights treaties of recent years, and instrument addressing on business and human rights has …

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Times Are Changing – and What About the International Rule of Law Then?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Times Are Changing – and What About the International Rule of Law Then? Note from the Editors:  This week we hold the first EJIL:Talk! Contributing Editors’ Debate, where some or all of our distinguished Contributing Editors lend their views on broad themes of international law and the state of the art, …

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Ghana v. Côte d’Ivoire: Unilateral Oil Activities in Disputed Marine Areas


Ghana v. Côte d’Ivoire: Unilateral Oil Activities in Disputed Marine Areas by Xuechan Ma [Xuechan Ma, PhD candidate at Grotius Center for International Legal Studies of Leiden University, the Netherlands, researching on the topic of international cooperation in disputed marine areas; L.L.M. & L.L.B. at Peking University, China. Email: maxuechan …

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The Who, Where, and When of Secession

Project Syndicate

The Who, Where, and When of Secession Sep 29, 2017 Joseph S. Nye National self-determination, the principle that US President Woodrow Wilson put on the international agenda in 1918, is generally defined as the right of a people to form its own state. The independence referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan and …

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The Fire This Time?

Project Syndicate

The Fire This Time? Sep 15, 2017 With autumn almost here, the world can look forward to a bumper crop of large-scale crises. The international community now must confront a series of disasters that those paying attention predicted with remarkable accuracy. When James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time was first …

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UN court decides to hear case between Kenya and Somalia concerning maritime delimitation

View of the ICJ courtroom on 2 February 2017 at the delivery of the Court’s Judgment on Somalia v Kenya. UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek.

UN court decides to hear case between Kenya and Somalia concerning maritime delimitation 2 February 2017 – The International Court of Justice – the principal judicial organ of the United Nations – today issued a verdict, admitting an application submitted by Somalia, over the maritime delimitation between it and Kenya …

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Turkish Military Intervention in Mosul: A Legal and Political Perspective

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Turkish Military Intervention in Mosul: A Legal and Political Perspective In October 2016, Turkey deployed hundreds of its armed troops to the Iraqi town of Bashiqa, 12 kilometers northeast of Mosul held by Islamic State. Meanwhile, Iraqi officials have called for Turkey to withdraw its forces from Iraq’s territory. Relevantly, …

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African Union brings Sudan, rebels together for peace talks

African Union brings Sudan, rebels together for peace talks ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – The African Union on Wednesday brought together for the first time for peace talks Sudan and insurgents fighting government troops in two states bordering South Sudan, in a conflict that has affected almost a million people.  Fighting …

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