domingo, febrero 9, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: North Korea

The Trump Administration and International Law

The Trump Administration and International Law Harold Hongju Koh

The Trump Administration and International Law Author: Harold Hongju Koh ISBN: 9780190912185 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 15 October 2018 Price: $27.95 The Trump Administration and International Law Harold Hongju Koh This book answers one of the most pressing questions of our time: who is winning the battle of Donald Trump …

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The US’s New Nuclear Posture Review: Blurring the Lines of Anticipatory Self-Defense


The US’s New Nuclear Posture Review: Blurring the Lines of Anticipatory Self-Defense by Yulia Ioffe and Olga Bozhenko [Yulia Ioffe is a DPhil (PhD) candidate and a tutor in Public International Law at University of Oxford and Olga Bozhenko is an LL.M student in International Litigation (Public International Law) at Institute …

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Trump’s UN Hypocrisy

Project Syndicate

Trump’s UN Hypocrisy Sep 28, 2017 Christopher R. Hill US President Donald Trump’s tone in his maiden address to the United Nations was that of a dissatisfied tenant, blaming the landlord for his home’s poor state of repair. But the UN is only as good as those who inhabit it, …

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Who Will Fill America’s Shoes?

Project Syndicate

Who Will Fill America’s Shoes? Richard N. Haass Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, previously served as Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department (2001-2003), and was President George W. Bush’s special envoy to Northern Ireland and Coordinator for the Future of Afghanistan. He …

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The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension


The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension by Alonso Illueca [Alonso Illueca is a lawyer and adjunct Professor of law at Universidad Catolica Santa Maria La Antigua and Universidad del Istmo Panama.] On May 31, 2017, the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign …

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North Korea and the Law on Anticipatory Self-Defense

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

North Korea and the Law on Anticipatory Self-Defense Media reports over the last few weeks indicate that the already tense relationship between North Korea and the United States is getting worse. Now that North Korea is nearly ready to test an intercontinental ballistic missile, the United States has said that …

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Are the two Koreas Now at War?

Are the two Koreas Now at War? In recent days the tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen. On 11 March, North Korea claimed  that it had terminated the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War of the 1950s and on 30 March stated that: “From this time on, the …

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Re Al-Fin Corporation's Patent

Re Al-Fin Corporation’s Patent Chancery Division (1969) Graham J. ORIGINATING SUMMONS. Patentees, Al-Fin Corporation, the applicants, took out this originating summons in connection with an application for extension of their patent No. 689,129 for the determination of whether, on a true construction of section 24 of the Patents Act, 1949, …

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Uses of Force against Civil Aircraft

Uses of Force against Civil Aircraft Dr Kimberley N. Trapp is lecturer in law at Newnham College, University of Cambridge. On 18 June, South Korean marines (stationed on Gyodong Island, to the west of South Korea) fired 99 rifle rounds at an Asiana flight en route from Chengdu (China) to …

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North Korea sells arms to Ethiopia with U.S. OK: NYT

North Korea sells arms to Ethiopia with U.S. OK: NYT NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Bush administration allowed Ethiopia to complete a secret arms purchase from North Korea in an apparent violation of a U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution passed months earlier over its nuclear test, The New York Times …

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