jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: ICC Prosecutor

American Journal of International Law – Volume 113 – Issue 3 – July 2019

American Journal of International Law - Volume 113 - Issue 3 - July 2019

American Journal of International Law Volume 113 – Issue 3 – July 2019 ISSN: 0002-9300 (Print), 2161-7953 (Online) @AJIL_Unbound @AmericanSocietyofInternationalLaw asil1906 AJIL is a leading peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly since 1907. It features articles, essays, editorial comments, current developments, and book reviews by pre-eminent scholars and practitioners from around the world …

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The Bolton Speech: The Legality of US Retaliatory Action Against Judges and Officials of the International Criminal Court?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Bolton Speech: The Legality of US Retaliatory Action Against Judges and Officials of the International Criminal Court? The speech given on Monday by John Bolton, US National Security Adviser, threatening action by the US against the International Criminal Court (ICC) in response to potential ICC investigation of US personnel …

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The ICC and Israel: Prosecuting the Punitive Demolition of Palestinian Homes


The ICC and Israel: Prosecuting the Punitive Demolition of Palestinian Homes by Elvina Pothelet [Elvina Pothelet is a Visiting Researcher at the Harvard Law School and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Geneva.] Last Friday, a car-ramming attack in the West Bank killed two Israeli soldiers and injured two …

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Rusia anuncia que retira su firma del Estatuto de Roma que crea la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)

Nicolas Boeglin

RUSIA ANUNCIA QUE RETIRA SU FIRMA DEL ESTATUTO DE ROMA QUE CREA LA CORTE PENAL INTERNACIONAL (CPI) Foto: Elizabeth Odio Benito, jurista costarricense electa integrante de la Corte Penal Internacional en el 2003, acompañada por Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Presidente de la Asamblea de Estados Partes a la Corte Penal Internacional …

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Palestine as a UN Observer State: Does this Make Palestine a State?

Palestine as a UN Observer State: Does this Make Palestine a State? Last week, the UN General Assembly voted by 138 to 9 (with 41 abstaining) “to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations”. Thus, Palestine which has been an observer at the UN since 1974 …

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Palestine as a UN Observer State: Does this Make Palestine a State?

Palestine as a UN Observer State: Does this Make Palestine a State? Last week, the UN General Assembly voted by 138 to 9 (with 41 abstaining) “to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations”. Thus, Palestine which has been an observer at the UN since 1974 …

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ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right?

ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right? On Tuesday, the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court issued a statement denying the Prosecutor’s competence to decide on Palestine’s acceptance of ICC jurisdiction. The ICC Prosecutor indicated in his statement that he could not take …

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Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African

Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African The International Criminal Court has announced that the list of candidates for election to be the next Prosecutor of the ICC has been narrowed to two. The elections will be held at the Tenth Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Statute …

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Darryl Robinson on Self-Referrals: Is the International Criminal Court Really a Court of Last Resort?

Darryl Robinson on Self-Referrals: Is the International Criminal Court Really a Court of Last Resort?The Journal of International Criminal Justice has recently published a very interesting article by Darryl Robinson titled “The Controversy over Territorial State Referrals and Reflections on ICL Discourse“. In the article, Darryl takes issue with those who …

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Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression?

Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression? Dr Gleider I. Hernández  is lecturer in law at the University of Durham; Thomas R. Liefländer is a PhD candidate at the University of Cologne. The recent events rapidly unfolding in Libya have raised a number …

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Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome Statute

Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome Statute Editor’s Note:  The authors have recently launched a blog focussing primarily on issues of international criminal justice from an African perspective. See http://warandlaw.blogspot.com According to media reports , the Kenyan government is redoubling its misguided efforts …

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The Genocide Convention and the Arrest Warrants Issued by the ICC

The Genocide Convention and the Arrest Warrants Issued by the ICC The Human Rights and International Criminal Law Online Forum of the  Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project at UCLA Law School is hosting an online debate on (i) the obligations of Contracting parties to the Genocide Convention to implement arrest …

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