jueves, julio 25, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: BUCKLEY

International Studies Review – Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2021

International Studies Review - Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2021

International Studies Review Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2021 ISSN: 1521-9488, EISSN: 1468-2486 @IntlStudiesRev @intlstudiesreview The International Studies Review (ISR) is a journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide. Published four times a year, ISR is intended to help (a) …

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Harvard International Law Journal – Volume 60, Issue 2

Harvard International Law Journal

Harvard International Law Journal Volume 60, Issue 2 ISSN: 0017-8063 @HarvardILJ @Harvard International Law Journal As “the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international law,” the Harvard International Law Journal covers a variety of  international issues and topics in public and private international law. HILJ was “one of the ten most influential …

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International Studies Perspectives – Volume 20, Issue 4, November 2019

International Studies Perspectives - Volume 20, Issue 4, November 2019

International Studies Perspectives Volume 20, Issue 4, November 2019 ISSN: 1528-3577, EISSN: 1528-3585 @isanet @intlstudiesassociation Each journal in the ISA group of journals has a particular mission and scope.  ISP publishes four types of articles:  Policy Research and Commentary These articles address current or recent policy debates – broadly conceived …

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Accession by the Community to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms – OPINION 2/94 OF THE COURT 28 March 1996

OPINION 2/94 OF THE COURT 28 March 1996 (Accession by the Community to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) The Court of Justice has received a request for an Opinion, lodged at the Registry of the Court on 26 April 1994, from the Council …

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