viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Text of Declaration by Paris Conference on Vietnam (March 3, 1973)



the Government of Canada;

the Government of the People’s Republic of China;

the Government of the United States of America;

the Government of the French Republic;

the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam;

the Government of the Hungarian People’s Republic;

the Government of the Republic of Indonesia;

the Government of the Polish People’s Republic;

the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam;

the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

Advertisementthe Government of the Republic of Vietnam, and

the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

in the presence of the Secretary General of the United Nations:

With a view to acknowledging the signed agreements guaranteeing the ending of the war, the maintenance of peace in Vietnam, the respect of the Vietnamese people’s fundamental national rights, and the South Vietnamese people’s right to self‐determination, and contributing to and guaranteeing peace in Indochina;

Have agreed on the following provisions, and undertake to respect and implement them:

Article 1

The parties to this act solemnly acknowledge, express their approval of and support the Paris agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam signed in Paris on Jan. 27, 1973, and the four protocols to the agreement signed on the same date (hereinafter referred to respectively as the agreement and the protocols).

Article 2

The agreement responds to the aspirations and fundamental national rights of the Vietnamese people, i.e., the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam, to the right of the South Vietnamese people to self‐determination, and to the earnest desire for peace shared by all countries in the world. The agreement constitutes a major contribution to peace, self‐determination, national independence and the improvement of relations among countries. The agreement and the protocols should be strictly respected and scrupulously unplemented.

Article 3

The parties to this act solemnly acknowledge the commitments by the parties to the agreement and the protocols to strictly respect and scrupulously implement the agreement and the protocols.

Article 4

The parties to this act solemnly recognize and strictly respect the fundamental national rights of the Vietnamese people, i.e., the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam, as well as the right of the South Vietnamese people to self‐determination. The parties to this act shall strictly respect the agreement and the protocbls by refraining from any action at variance with their provisions.

Article 5

For the sake of a durable peace in Vietnam, the parties to this act call on all countries to strictly respect the fundamental national rights of the Vietnamese people, i.e., the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam and the right of the South Vietnamese people to self‐determination and to strictly respect the agreement and the protocols by refraining from any action at variance with their provisions.

Article 6

(A) The four parties to the agreement or the two South Vietnamese parties may, either individually or through joint action, inform the other parties to this act about the implementation of the agreement and the protocols. Since the reports and views submitted by the International Commission of Control and Supervision’ concerning the control and supervision of the implementation of those provisions of the agreement and the protocols which are within the tasks of the commission will be sent to either the four parties signatory to the agreement or to the two South Vietnamese parties, those parties shall be responsible, either individually or through joint action, for forwarding them promptly to the other parties to this act.

(B) The four parties to the agreement or the two South Vietnamese parties shall also, either individually or through joint action, forward this information arid these reports and views to the other participant in the international conference on Vietnam for his information.

Article 7

(A) In the event of a violation of the agreement or the protocols which threatens the peace, the independence, sovereignty, unity or territorial integrity of Vietnam, or the right of the South Vietnamese people to self‐determination, the parties signatory to the agreement and the protocols shall, either individually or jointly, consult with the other parties to this act with a view to determining necessary remedial measures.

(B) The international conference on Vietnam shall be reconvened upon a joint request by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on behalf of the parties signatory to the agreement or upon a request by six or more of the parties to this act.

Article 8

With a view to contributing to and guaranteeing peace in Indochina, the parties to this act acknowledge the commitment of the parties to the agreement to respect the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and neutrality of Cambodia and Laos as stipulated in the agreement, agree also to respect them and to refrain from any action at variance with them, and call on other countries to do the same.

Article 9

This act shall enter into force upon signature by plenipotentiary representatives of all 12 parties and shall be strictly implemented by all the parties. Signature of this act does not constitute recognition of any party in any case in which it has not previously been accorded.

Done in 12 copies in Paris this 2d day of March, 1973, in English, French, Russian, Vietnamese and Chinese. All texts are equally authentic.

for the Government of the United States of America, the Secretary of State,


for the Government of the French Republic, the Minister for Foreign Affairs,


for the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, the Minister for Foreign Affairs,


for the Government of the Hungarian People’s Republic, Minister of Foreign Affairs,


for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


for the Government of the Polish People’s Republic, the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


for the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Minister for Foreign Affairs,


for the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.


for the Government of the Republic of Vietnam, the Minister for Foreign Affairs,


for the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


for the Government of Canada, the Secretary of State for External Affairs.


for the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


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