ISSN: 1540-1650, EISSN: 1746-9937
The Chinese Journal of International Law is the leading forum for articles on international law by Chinese scholars and on international law issues relating to China.
An independent, peer-reviewed research journal edited primarily by scholars from mainland China, and published in association with the Chinese Society of International Law, Beijing, and Wuhan University Institute of International Law, Wuhan, the Journal is a general international law journal with a focus on materials and viewpoints from and/or about China, other parts of Asia, and the broader developing world.
What We Talk about When We Talk about General Principles of Law
Xuan Shao
Decoding China’s Perspectives on Cyber Warfare
Chaoyi Jiang
Tackling Biopiracy in International Investment Arbitration: Consideration of the Perspective(s) of Developing Countries
Jinyup Kim
The Community of Shared Future for Mankind and China’s Legalist Turn in International Relations
Ignacio de la Rasilla, HAO Yayezi
To Fight A New Coronavirus: Special Section of Letters and Comments (Part II)
Some Remarks on International Health Legislation and the WHO
Vanda Lamm
Big Thunder, Little Rain: The Yellow Peril Framing of the Pandemic Campaign Against China
Barry Sautman
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Regional Cooperation Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Rise of Investment Facilitation
Sufian Jusoh, Intan Murnira Ramli
To Cope with a Pandemic: Effects on Certain International Agreements
Bartłomiej Sierzputowski
Letters to the Journal
Letter to the Journal The Swiss Federal Tribunal Annulled the Arbitral Award in the SUN Yang v. WADA & FINA Case: The Applicant’s Duty of Curiosity on the Qualifications of an Arbitrator and the Neutrality of the Arbitrator
Chengming Yang, Chaohui Sun
The Expropriation Exception in the US Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Federal Republic of Germany et al. v. Philipp et al.
ZHAN Yangjun
Book Review
Lei Chen and André Janssen (eds.), Dispute Resolution in China
Gvantsa Dzneladze, PhD Candidate in Juridical Science
Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 20/02/2022 18:16
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