Categorías: Actividades

Appointment of International Judges and Arbitrators: Legality, Legitimacy and the Rule of Law

Appointment of International Judges and Arbitrators: Legality, Legitimacy and the Rule of Law

Friday 25 October 2019
18.00-19.30 (registration from 17.30)

The University of Liverpool in London,
33 Finsbury Square, Finsbury, London, EC2A 1AG

The backgrounds and professional qualifications of judges have become salient and contested issues for many courts around the world. International tribunals are no exception to this tendency.

Judges on international tribunals have sometimes been criticised for lacking sufficient expertise or experience. Such challenges raise both practical and theoretical questions: what sort of profile is needed for judges on international tribunals? How helpful is legal practice experience? Do scholarly academic and judicial backgrounds make distinct contributions to a tribunal’s capacity? Should judicial selection processes be reformed to maximize diversity of various kinds?

This panel will bring together academics and practitioners for a lively discussion to consider these questions from a variety of perspectives.


The Rt. Hon. Dame Elizabeth Gloster, PC, One Essex Court


Dr Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, University of Liverpool Law School
Prof Yarik Kryvoi, British Institute for International and Comparative Law
Dr Alex Schwartz, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law

Visit the Event page


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