Transnational Law and Justice Network
Call for Papers: Transnational Criminal Law in the Americas
May 4-5, 2017
The past few decades have seen a growing number of multilateral conventions addressing questions of transnational crime. In response, the emerging field of transnational criminal law is developing with the growing recognition of the need for further research and informed dialogue about important legal questions arising in this context.
On May 4-5, 2017, the Transnational Law and Justice Network at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law, invites academics, policy makers, NGOs, and individuals working on the ground to participate in a multidisciplinary regional dialogue about the most pressing transnational criminal law issues facing the Americas today.
Topics may include: the suppression treaty regime generally; legal responses to specific transnational crimes such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, money laundering, corruption, firearms trafficking, environmental crimes, and other transnational organized crime; institutions and accountability for transnational crime; and mutual legal assistance, cooperation and capacity building.
• What are the most pressing transnational criminal law issues facing the Americas today and how are these issues evolving and shifting?
• Should greater emphasis be placed on regional responses to transnational criminal law and how should such regional responses be structured?
• What assumptions underlie the current legal regimes addressing transnational crime and do they adequately reflect the reality of transnational criminality today?
• How have globalization and technological advancements shifted the nature of transnational criminality and how should this inform the legal response?
• How do critical approaches to law inform questions of transnational criminal law?
Transnational Criminal Law in the Americas is to be held May 4-5, 2017 at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C., will be delivering the public Greenspan Cohn Lecture in criminal law at the conference and Professor Robert Currie of the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, will be delivering the keynote address. The conference organizers seek to publish a select number of conference papers in a high level journal.
Those interested in presenting at the conference are invited to apply by email to no later than January 20, 2017.
Applications should include:
• An abstract of 300 words maximum
• Your name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information
• A short biography
Conference Organizer: Professor Sara Wharton.
The Transnational Law and Justice Network (TLJN) is a research hub that promotes and sponsors scholarship on global governance, internationalism, transnationalism, social justice and access to justice. The network is home to a number of local, national and international experts whose scholarship translates theory into practice in their respective communities and primarily focuses on the intersection of local and global. Situated in the border city of Windsor, Ontario, the most highly trafficked land crossing in North America, TLJN is an ideal space for this type of transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. For more information, please visit
In collaboration with the Program for International Legal Studies, Wayne State University Law School.
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