miércoles, abril 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: SFRY

Agreement on Sueeession Issues (with annexes). Vienna, 29 June 2001

Agreement on Sueeession Issues (with annexes). Vienna, 29 June 2001 Entry into forcé: 2 June 2004, in accordance with article 12 (1) which reads as follows: “(I) This Agreement shall enter into forcé thirty days after the deposit ofthe fifth instrument of ratification. The Depositan> shall notify the successor States, …

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Yugoslav Agreement on Succession Issues (2001)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Re­public of Slovenia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, being in sovereign equality the five successor States to the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Mindful of the need, in the interests of all successor States and their …

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The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility Consider the following scenario: state A commits an internationally wrongful act (say genocide) against state B, incurring responsibility for doing so and giving state B an entitlement to reparation. Before state B actually manages to obtain reparation from state A, state …

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