martes, abril 23, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Roland Portmann

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law Edited by Curtis A. Bradley ISBN: 9780190653330 (Hardcover)Publicado: 8 July 2019Páginas: 896 This Oxford Handbook ambitiously seeks to lay the groundwork for the relatively new field of comparative foreign relations law. Comparative foreign relations law compares and contrasts how nations, and also …

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An International Legal Agreement between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian Government?


An International Legal Agreement between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian Government? by Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli [Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli is a Colombian lawyer, PhD on international law and international relations. He works as a researcher and lecturer of Public International Law at the La Sabana University, Colombia.] Introduction The last few days …

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